Eversince I'm back from the 3 full day conference, I have been working non stop throughout the day the clear all the backlogs. And believe me, after 5 months of working here, this is my busiest time of all. Most of the time I've been surfing net acting busy...:) As much as I wanted to blog in the office, but my seating position is really not a good place to do too much of a personal stuff. To give you a brief idea how it is like, I seated right in front of my boss, face to face!! There's 2 meeting room behind me. This also means that my computer screen can be easily monitored by people walking in and out of the meeting room. At times, these unconsiderate people will group themselves right behind me after the meeting and talk and talk and talk, giving me NO PRIVACY at all. And imagine there's always people come asking you "who's in the meeting room?" Walau...thought wat...seating near the meeting room doesn't mean I'll know who went in and out mah! Not to mention other small little things like asking u for post-it pad, eraser...etc for their meeting. Thought I supply stationery izit!!!??? To make thing worst, it's also near to the main entrance. Yeah...sad to say, I'm the receptionist cum door opener at times.....:( So.... why am I blogging at this hour?? IT'S LUNCH TIME...nobody is around...muahahahhahaha
Haiz....those were the days in my ex-company where I have total privacy in my seat.
I'm back after almost a week of silence. I had my first experienced attending a TechEd conference conducted by Microsoft for 3 days at Suntec City. Thanks to David, my colleague for the invitation. It was an eye opening experience for me having been able to meet so many experts from Microsoft. And when I say expert......THEY REALLY ARE EXPERT!!! Other than getting more in depth knowledge in IT, one of the main reason that myself and David wanted to attend this conference is to network with as much people as we can so that....... we can have more lobang in our next "hop"....hehehe..... Seriously, I have been having the thought of diversifying into a non-IT job. It is just so tiring of having to catch up with technology from time to time. But after the 3 days conference, somehow I started to give a serious thought of remaining in the industry and even getting myself more certified in the Industry. I shall make sure that I remain in contact with those Microsoft people for the sake of my career....Sigh....tats me.....tend to be easily influenced by the surroundings......
Time is crawling today. Probably is because I'm suffering from a severe monday blues....:( so much so that I decided to blog during office hour, with my boss seating right in front of me. Erm.....right in front of me doesn't mean right in front of my computer screen mah.....Just have to be more alert when there are people walking around me.
I just had a haircut at one well known saloon which I've NEVER been before. It all happen on one fine morning when I decided to go for a haircut. I called up my usual saloon looking for my usual stylist, only to know that she is on long leave and will be back in 2 weeks time. Feeling quite desparate to get the hair cut, I decided to try this new well known outlet.
Just when I got seated, this (guarantee + warranty) gay came to attend to me. As friendly as he may be, once I said I wanted to cut a few inch shorter, he started to ask question like "would you want to do a treatment?" followed by "why don't you do a highlight as well?" I then asked how much does that cost. To my suprised, he brought a calculator, show me their promo and try to convince me to signed a program which cost a whopping S$450++. I rejected on the spot though he's still trying hard to sell me the idea. Well, I decided to do the highlight and a cut in the end. But it didn't end there..... it goes on and on asking if I would like to apply this cream that makes my hair shinier, asking me if I would want to purchase their shampoo which he claims suits perfectly on my hair condition. Yeah right!! Tell me abt it. To cut the story short.... I rejected ALL of his offer though I know he's not quite happy with me but who cares.....I'm the customer.. You could have imagine I can simply spent up S$600 if I were to take in all the offer that he proposed. That is totally unacceptable!! Maybe one day when I'm earning PEANUT, I will consider that....hahahahah
The sadest part of it is, call himself a senior stylist only to find out that he did not do a good job as what I've expected and yet...I've paid quite a big sum of $$$.....heartache...heartache....
So...the lesson of the day for me is ~~~~~I SHALL STAY LOYAL TO MY HAIRSTYLIST :)
Being called as "aunty" really makes me old....argh........ Don't you agree ladies out there? But wait........ there's a revised unique name given to me by my little nephews and nieces. As the youngest among the siblings, I have 3 sisters and 1 brother (the eldest) above me. Having the need to different each of us, I'm the proud "little gu jeh" of my brother's 2 little gal. Now that makes me feel younger....hehehe
Joel, my eldest nephew, gave me another name when he was just 1+. Calling him "bee-bee" when he was juz a baby and couldn't pronounce a proper word, he will refer me as "bee-ji", meaning a yee-yee (means their mum's sis in cantonese) who calls him bee-bee. So this is how "bee-ji" came about and how it was pass from this nephew of mine to my other nephews and niece till now. Time flies.....It has been 10 years now, since I got this unique name from him.
Gerald, my 3+ years old nephew has been in Perth for almost a year now. He is one who really got attached to me, for whatever reason..... I'm the "all time favourite" among the kids. hahaha.... I still remember how badly I was crying (yes...i wasn't sobing, I'm crying all my heart out!!!!) when I depart from KL the very last time I saw him just before he left for Perth. Well....we still talk to each other over the phone now and then.
Ysabel, the youngest niece among all, a mix blood of chinese and El Savador (was it south american?) just had her 1st birthday not long. Mix blood babies usually looks good, agree? Have not seen her in person yet but true enough, from her photos - she's such a lovely little gal....
Kids..... are fun AT TIMES..... Having 6 of them is really driving me crazy during Christmas. I almost shop all around S'pore to get them their Christmas present, taking into consideration whether they will fight for their gift...etc...etc....... But well..... now that all of them are staying apart, a once a year gift is no big deal.... :)
I'm getting very impressed with bloggers having to keep their blog so updated from time to time, beautifying it. This is only my second post and my hair was like falling off having to figure how to do this and do that (putting aside that I'm in IT line hor!!!pai seh pai seh....), only to realized how much effort the frequent bloggers have put in....... For those who knows who you are......I SALUTE YOU!!!! :)
Finally......... I'm starting my on blog!!! Seriously speaking, I can't imagine myself blogging given that I'm definitely not a creative person and someone with little words....:P So what triggers me to start it off?? Hmmm....I'm still questioning myself though...... :)
It was supposed to be a half day Sunday outdoor activity for me today. Slept at 1am yest, woke up at 7:30am this morn (this is a total abnormality for me, if you know what I meant (for those who knows me well). Intial plan was to leave home at 9 for Jumble sale. Somehow.....Mr. Zzzz calling me again after I finished vacuum the floor and breakfast. I decided to take a short nap...and LOL..... it was 12:30pm when I woke up!!! hahaha...SHIOK though..
So here am I having enough of sleep to replenish and getting ready for a new week..... doing extras on a sunday.......BLOGGING......muahahahahaha :)