Yesterday evening, I received 2 suprised sms in a row.
1st Message
Bizi, I want a barbie toy, not stationary. If too expensive, then nvmd.
This is my hp no........Mei Mei
Within a split of second, I received the next
2nd Message
Bizi, I want bionicle Piraka or Toa Inika. This is my hp no.....Boy
This two messages are from my niece and nephew, age 11 and 12. You got my point?! They both had a hp at this age!!!! I'm like "WHAT??" you got a hp? Mummy (who is my sis) bought for you?
Ah well..they are using their dad's old phone and my sis is getting them a prepaid card. I'm just thinking.... what gadget I had at that age. Hmm....five stones? Monopoly? Mayyybeeeee I had those gigantic cassette tape walkman.... :)
I was on a phone conversation with a consultant from Beijing last week. Yes, he is from China and you could have imagine his chinese speaking is "chimology"! I spoke to him in chinese obviously with a mixture of english and requested him to send me some screenshots. This is what I get...... one of the screenshot from an Exchange server properties. IT illiterate people, Exchange server is an application that host all your corporate emails. This is where you configure it to have your email as blah blah blah...
How am I supposed to read this screen leh... Nevermind, all I need to know is which check box is ticked and compare it to mine which is in english...hehehe This is just the beginning, I seriously hope that I do not need to deal with Microsoft product in chinese :(