A quiet, peaceful Sunday

on Sunday, September 11, 2005

I has been a peaceful week for me in the past few days. Nothing extraordinary happen, which is probably why you did not see much updates in my blog. Today being Sunday where most people will be out shopping, catching a movie...etc.... I choosed to stay at home and "nua" and maybe getting some personal stuff done. People tend to ask me if I feel lonely staying alone. NOT AT ALL. I truly enjoy the privacy, the independant life that I'm having now!!

I just spoke to my ex-colleague CT a while ago on MSN. Both he and Nsesagi were at the office working on some migration project. Apparently, this never-ending project has been happening since the day I was with my ex company more than half a year ago. I can imagine how exhaused and headache they must be having. Not only their weekend got burned, but also the late night during the week and the demand that they have from "various" bosses. I guess if I'm still with the company, this blog will never exist. Why? Where got time woh!!