I am freezing cold in the office from day one. 1 long sleeve shirt with a sweater and I'm still feeling....not cold BUT freezing cold!!
I think I need a gloves too.....:)
You may be wondering what sort of privacy have I been yearning for all this while and I've finally gotten it?! well well well....... something that I wanted to have in the past 9 months since I join my last company early this year. If you have been following my blog fr the beginning, you noticed how little privacy I have at my workplace. Sitting right in front of a meeting room, sitting closest to the main entrance, sitting face to face with the boss and blah blah blah......
Today.... the 1st day of work in my new company happens to be a good start for me. As expected, 1st day of work usually ended up in reading materials lah, going thru HR policy lah....this and that. But one thing that I'm truly overwhelm is the 1 week old brand new setup unit of my department with new furnitures AND my seating location with total privacy at the corner by the window on a 22nd storey high facing ECP and half of Marina. I no longer need to open the entrance door, no longer need to answer people who's in the meeting room, no longer having my stationaries stolen by people in the meeting room.
Yay Yay!!!!!
Tah Dah ~~~~~~~~~~~~
FINALLY...........It's over! Being the 1st timer, it's already a great sense of achievement though my timing was....kinda lousy :P (1hr 20mins). Indeed, when u are in a race, as much body strength as you need, mental strength is equally important. An inner strength that motivates and keeps you going. Anyway, am glad it's over and the medal................ as long as you finished the race, be it in 1hr or 3 hrs, you'll still get it. So...not really a big deal lah. They should limit it to only those who finished within certain period of time hor......then people can work harder to get it mah. But then, people like me.... may not stand a chance to have it :)
I was sms-ing Damon, my colleague to see how is he doing. (He's doing the full 42Km for the 1st time). The first thing he told me was.. "The pain is TERRIBLE, but still completed the race". I then asked what's his timing. The reply was.........."7+ hours"!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it must be really a torturing experience both physically and mentally. Imangine running for 7+ hours, tat is from 6am to 1+pm. Consider luckly of not suffering from heat stroke man. I'll think I'll be landed in hospital if I'm in his position. JC another fren of mine, who has been training real hard and participated quite a number of marathons completed in 4+ hours. These people are a "superman" to me. Nevertheless, being in such event for the first time and seeing how these professionals run, I think it's really a great sense of achievement to those who finishes the 42km no matter what your timing is.
Dec 4 2005 - The Greatest Race on Earth will take place in Singapore, where thousands of people will gather together for one goal.......the challenge of their life, to reach the finishing line. It's The Greatest Race on Earth because it's unique, it's ambitious and it's a huge achievement for anyone to even cross the finish line.
And me.......in 12 hours time (it's 5pm now), I'll be crawling out from the comfort of my bed to join this once in MY lifetime event. Though I'm just participating as a quarter marathon fun runner & being the first timer, I've started to feel the excitement, the "gan cheong-ness" in me.
My colleague have been saying to me "very gan cheong leh....so scared....if cannot finish the 10km mark how?? " I always console her AND myself.....that we'll sure finish....it's a matter of time yeah.....
Do you know what is this? Make a guesss...............
Some of you may know but for some as "suaku" as me, you never know. If not I've seen JC wore it before, I have no idea what is it man..... It's call a championchip. An electronic device that registers your race route from start to finish line. It works by locking your time when you step on the electric timing mat at the start and end lines. So high tech hor! Erm....so how to attached this thingie with you? It's supposed to be tied together with you shoe using your shoelace or whatever string. So.......I'm gonna spend the next couple of minutes figuring out how to go about doing that....:)