The long awaited privacy has come

on Monday, December 12, 2005

You may be wondering what sort of privacy have I been yearning for all this while and I've finally gotten it?! well well well....... something that I wanted to have in the past 9 months since I join my last company early this year. If you have been following my blog fr the beginning, you noticed how little privacy I have at my workplace. Sitting right in front of a meeting room, sitting closest to the main entrance, sitting face to face with the boss and blah blah blah......

Today.... the 1st day of work in my new company happens to be a good start for me. As expected, 1st day of work usually ended up in reading materials lah, going thru HR policy lah....this and that. But one thing that I'm truly overwhelm is the 1 week old brand new setup unit of my department with new furnitures AND my seating location with total privacy at the corner by the window on a 22nd storey high facing ECP and half of Marina. I no longer need to open the entrance door, no longer need to answer people who's in the meeting room, no longer having my stationaries stolen by people in the meeting room.

Yay Yay!!!!!