Buy buy buy!!!!!

on Tuesday, March 21, 2006

An ex colleague of mine have been convincing me again and again to buy a car. Just recently, he became a proud owner of a Honda Jazz and have been giving alllllll sorts of positive remarks about his new toy.

I started off the conversation by saying..."actually Jazz looks quite good in Red". His is black. So he goes one with "It's a good car....blah blah blah". If you have the money go for it.....there's more value added to your lifestyle other than $. To ease my curiousity, I asked how much u need to set aside each month for that toy.........S$1500 incl EVERYTHING!!! My goodness!!! That is way too much!! 1500x12 = 18000 p/year leh!!! Seriously speaking, I would rather spend that sum of money for an exotic vacation loh...

Maybe..........I'll consider when:

1) Car and COE prices drops tremendously
2) I have 1500 or more increment in my salary
3) I have extra extra $ dunno where to spent.....:) very very unlikely lah....