Instinct or six sense

on Friday, November 30, 2007

Do you believe in instinct? Or some called it…six sense? And many would agree that a women’s six sense is more accurate than man?
I would want to agree that it can be true, be it man or women, to some extent maybe not 100% but yes, those instinct can be true.

I was just looking thru Reuben’s blog and today’s article at Both Reuben, the team coach as well as some other dragon boat team mates actually have a bad feeling the day before the incident. And the mom, also had some weird feeling weeks before the incident.

There wasn’t any significant event that I can recall where my instinct is revealing to me how true it could be but those feelings are strong. How about you? If you are really sensing that something is not right, perhaps something is going to happen on this Sunday’s run, would you still be at the starting line? I don’t know either. You won’t know until it happen but then when it happen, it’s gonna be too late. Fellow readers, feel free to drop in your comments to share :)