on Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Everysince I came back from the business trip, my body clock has gone a bit haywire...It's been more than a week, I'm geting there but not really back to norm yet. Firstly, the jetlag was terrible, I can be tossing in bed in the middle of the night till the wee hours. And since then, I have not been able to go to bed and wake up at my usual timing. Yeah... I have problems..BIG one waking up on time for work and for morning workout on Sunday. So bad..that I woke up totally forgot if the alarm clock has ever rang... I ended up late at work and paying 2 ERPs of more than $4 on several occasions in comparison with $0 if I can wake up on time!!!!

And so...it was back to swim class after 1 week of absense. The menu was rather simple..In fact the simplest combination I ever had. BUT simple does not equate to easy. Started off with 20laps with buoy and paddle. Then....... 3 sets of 10 x 50m. I hate 50m aka speed work! Both swimming and running! The pant-till-lung-burst kinda feeling.... 10 laps maybe...but 30?? Killer loh!!! Needless to say...I tried my best for 2 sets...and half way through the 3rd set... it ended up as a cool down....haha......

on Thursday, February 04, 2010

Sometimes I really wonder what sort of mentality that some people out there is having - declaring, well...indirectly boasting about their performance. Yes, I'm refering to the context of the forum and facebook in particular. Yes it's their choice, say whatever they want. I can choose not to read them if it irritates me. Still....it irritates me and I am just ranting this out in my own blog......Typical example can be:

1) I did slightly under 40mins for 10km. Very slow lah...
Common lah... be sensitive to others ok

2) I swam 4k under 1.30hr
What are you trying to say or expect fellow readers to respond? WAHHH you so fast ah?? happy?

3) Barely 45km - I'm so fat!
Nothing to say.....

4) I'm not fast as xxx lah... did sub 3:45hr last SCM only
I wish I could use an anonymous to respond. Ya so slow..can't even qualify for BQ

Oh..and not forgetting the all time favourite "I AM SLOW".

I had a totally different kind of irritation at work and my colleague was telling me that she is very 'zen' nowadays and will neutralize everything she sees/read. Good idea I thought. I should probably do the same - need to teach the brain to neutralize the unnecessary irritation :)

1 day to Friday!!!!!!