on Thursday, May 03, 2007

I was supposed to be on my way back from gym at this hour. But I'm happily enjoying a bowl of ABC soup,in the comfort of my room, blogging.

That is because, something terrible happen while I'm at the gym hours ago. Initial plan was to do some speed training on the treadmill. I did a warm up jog for 5 minutes and slow down, eventually stopped to tighten up my jogging pants. In that split of seconds, I had the worst ever feelings and it is just terrible.

I suddenly run out of breath, my vision is blur, my shoulder is aching, I felt like throwing out, my heart beat is increasing. I felt like I'm going to black out very soon. It was indeed a scary feeling I tell you. And it lasted pretty long. I was still standing on the threadmill trying to control my breathing but it's getting worst and worst. I was praying deep inside that I will not black out and collapse. The way that I perspire after just a 5 minutes warm up, it's really NOT me. It usually took me at least 15 mins to start persipring. Something is terribly wrong. I slowed down and stepped down from the treadmill, still trying to control my breathing and slowly walking towards the water cooler, still perspiring. My vision is still blur, I am seriously worried that I'll collapse. Continue praying..........

It lasted for 5-10 mins and the heart beat slowly resume back to normal. And for the next 10 mins, I was wondering what went wrong. Did I run too fast and stop immediately? Not at all, this is the not the first time I'm doing it. Did I ate too much? Not at all. I have no idea what causes that. Anyway, it was a bad experience. I do not want to push myself as I still have a little bit of nausea. I decided to take a shower and call it a day. It doesn't really matter to skip the workout for a day. It's more important to listen to the body...

So, in a way, I'm thankful that I can sit here, blogging this unique experience that I had and not ended up in hospital.......
I shall sleep well and rest well tonight.....Zzzzzzzzzz


Tekko said...

Likely that you are anemic but do you have any known medical conditions? It is not normal to feel like this after 5 mins of warm up. Might be better to just go and see a doc for a check up.

Anonymous said...


Nice to see you in my blog. I shd be consider as medically fit. I've never ever had this feeling. I'll be more cautious and if happens again, I'll go see a doc.


WonderWoman said...

ting! could u be PREG!!!

hahaha... just kidding lah.. take care ah auntie!

Anonymous said...


KNS lah u!!!