I have always wanted to explore this part of SG, after more than a week of bad day at work, yesterday I make an attempt to die-die must join the gang for my 'virgin' NUS run. Route for the day:
NUS -> Pasir Panjang Rd -> Haw Par Villa -> South Bouna Vista Rd -> Kent Ridge Park -> Sci Park 1 -> Sci Park 2 -> Prince George Park -> NUH -> NUS
Distance: 12km
Was told that this is NUS certified route. It's not an easy one. I know this route is full of slopes just dun exactly know what kind of slope will greet me. As usual I stayed at the back pack as long as I can sight where the front pack is going to, I'll be fine. The first slope that greeted me is Vigilante drive. Passed by this area a few times on car. I know how steep it is...just never expect it to be steeper than Kg Bahru slope. I crawl up.......:( That's just the appetizer. Throughout the run, I have lost count of how many slopes I've conquered. Doesn't matter....what doesn't kill will make me stronger...... Xiao Di is so encouraging and keep me moving up those gruesome slope. I would have submitted to my own mental weakness if he's not with me.......
Reached start point - exhausted - thirsty. Went to NUS guild house shower (also my first time there) and proceed to makan....As usual...this is good run, good company, good food :)
Despite a real bad week last week, there’s always something to be thankful of. That I finally managed to set aside all things, going to church on Saturday and rest….. In addition, to some other stuff that I need to prepare at home before Sunday and so mentally and physically exhausted that I ‘fly kite’ for 2 events that I’m supposed to be present on Sat. SGRunners 3rd Anniversary gathering in the afternoon and helping out in WC aka Yzong aka OrangeTee & Alice’s wedding decoration in the evening.
Was supposed to clock at 2.5 hours on Sunday morning before I proceed to WC’s wedding, I hear thunder and lightning at 530am. My alarm rang, it was still pouring out there. 7am…the weather didn’t get any better. 8am, still raining. It’s not possible anymore….It’s about time to do my usual chores and prepare to leave home for the wedding. Agreed to be at church by 12pm to go thru the songs with Linus.
Arrived at church. Went thru all songs with Linus. We didn’t practice that much but Linus is very impromptu as we all know :) Discussed on a few ways to “Chup sung” in the event that we have finished playing the songs and the bride is still not on stage yet. Oh well…… the ceremony went well, our playing went well, bible boy and flower girl also drawing a lot of attention….... I like it.
“When God Made You” sang by JC as soon as WC & Alice is up on stage. Trying to test out my new toy capturing that moment, here is a re-cap
Lyrics of the songs…..well…..if it actually make a man shed tears...WC tears to be precise, what do you think. Too bad, I am not in a position to go near WC to capture his “red-eye” trying to tahan that moment of touched! But he admitted when myself and JC confronted him after the ceremony..hehhe.......
Waiting for more photos to be ready……
Extracted from the wonderwoman's blog:
"Funny how every client will think that they are our ONLY client and we must dedicate all our time, effort and energy to them and only them"
That is sooooooo true....I'm having a real bad time, upset, angry, pissed off the entire week because of the existence of such client.
It was a tough week at work..... so much so that I need to get my mind off for a couple of minutes before I proceed with those sickening stuff again....
Was literally swallowing my lunch instead of slowly enjoying the food. Felt even worst when:
a) having to pull one of my staff back from a 3 days Microsoft course back to work to help out the rest of the workload
b) negotiated from a 1 day to 1/2 leave for one of the staff to spent some time with his kid before school start next year.
Family is important, staff welfare is also important. But sometimes, it's just not within control..... Saturday, saturday.....where are you....
Sooooo busy since last week incl weekend....This week is nothing better. To list a few:
- have extremely high profile customer to deal with. Not one but a few.
- need to sit in conference call one after another
- need to train for upcoming event
- need to practice those songs for this Sunday's wedding
- need to exercise
- need to have enough sleep
many many more........
Have been coughing my lungs out in the past 2 days. Never like this kinda chinese medicine. Taste awful smell awful... But suddenly, mum's message occurred in my mind. Drink Woods or Pi Pa Gao when you get caught by cough...
And so, I bought this.

Never tried this in my entire life. Almost wanted to puke when I smell it. Like a small kid, I hold my breath with a big glass of water and a small piece of chocolate next to me. Quickly gulp down a tablespoon, finished up the big glass of water and quickly eat that piece of chocolate. Can still feel that minty feeling in my throat but that's ok since the throat have been giving me discomfort. I slept well thereafter.
Repeat the same process again in the morning and I'm to the road of recovery!!! YAY!!!! It works!!!!!!
Strange things does happens at times.......
Am I feeling the after effect of Sundown only 5 days later? The lack of sleep, the energy zapped out during the 6+ hours. I think I'm only feeling the effect on Friday? I was sooooooo deprived of sleeps on Friday at work, went home and slept for 12 hours till Sat morning. I took a 3 hours of afternoon nap on the same day, went to bed as early as 10pm and slept another 10 hours till Sunday morning :) Woke up having sore throat and jelly legs (by sleeping???)...Whatzzz up man!!! Still feeling so lethargic the entire day, I dozed off again while lazing around!!!!!
Decided that I should get out and do some walking at least, if not run, thinking that it could be lag of exercise in the past few days. Reluctantly changed and drag myself out and off I went to the park. Feeling is like.....'dragging a cow up the tree'. Slowly trying to cover that 1 hour walk/jog around....haiz.....just not the day...
It was a 8+km therapy run for me yesterday. Having a little tightness at the back of my knee at the start of the run, Yankee assure me that it will go away after 10mins. True enough, it disappear. Slowly and steadily, the rest of the sore muscles are also loosen up. Recovery Run......that's what it's all about.
Can't be bother to chase after the front group, recovery still run so fast!! Haiz..... Left a few of us at the back, mostly those who did Sundown to run slowly in recovery mode.... It was short & sweet overall. Plenty of time to chit chat and makan after run :)
All happen in 1 week, I killed 2 snails while running.......-_- Sorry snail......
After more than 6 hours completing a 42km journey with fun,pain,sweat and exhaustion....... I'm a happy owner of this:
I'm sure everyone taking part in the inaugural SD Marathon yesterday, would have their own story to tell. One that they will remain a memory to them forever...
The same goes for me. I knew I wasn't that well prepared for this but would really want to do it, to see how my body feels and react going at such distance before the actual Big Day. I was still on medication till Wed and was praying hard for a recovery. Thank God, I'm feeling good physically and mentally on Saturday. All ready to go. Thanks to all the well wishes and encouragement....
I was feeling so good at the start of the race, both physically and mentally, enjoying every single bit of it. As soon as I exit from Coastal Rd, I saw some expected familiar face, over taking me one by one. Yankee, tao, Terence, Piglet..... Started to feel a bit exhausted after the u-turn pt, I started to slow down a little and seeing Tiwazz and Charlotte at the support table...their ice-stick is heaven sent. At one point, I even have the urge to u-turn back and take another 2 stick. One on each hand..haha...
Spotted JC at the other side after I u-turn. I estimated to him before the race that he should be able to catch up with me around my 25-30km mark. Slowly make my way to exit ECP, expecting him to catch up anytime soon. Came to the 2nd Sgrunners support station, looks like a mini-party. Am really touched to see such volunteers in providing their 100% to runners. Next, entering in Bedok Reservoir, the toe and the feet is giving some bad signals by this time. This is one stretch that I hated the most. The pebbles, the sand and the darkness. Lost your focus and you'll get yourselves injured anytime. Felt so irriated by the sand going into my shoe, I quickly get a spot by the side, sit down and sort out those sands. BAD CHOICE!!!! It was dark, I didn't realized what's by the curb. Sorted out the sands and realized there's tonnes of black ants. Got bitten by them on the leg, hand...Eeewwww!!!! Got me a little panic and spent 1-2 mins to get rid of all these black ants on my body.
Just at the right place, water station before exiting BR, JC caught up. Walk for a while before he speed up while I am already started to struggle a little by this time. 12km to go, walk and jog slowly. At 36km, it started to pour. Heavily!! It may not be a bad thing because of such heavy rain, I've probably forget abt the pain at my feet and started to speed up. It's just 4km to go. So near yet to far. The signboard shows 400m to go.. I didn't bother to sprint or even run... Speed walking in pain yet enjoying the surrounding. At 100m, someone called out from behind!! It's LT!!! Haha...happy to see him and make our way to finish line. He ask whether I want to run or just walk to finish. I say there's a lot of spectator in front, die die must finish in good posture... And so....we ran side by side towards the finish line. Sigh....never have i expect, that my first marathon will complete together with him woh...!!! LOL!!!!
Collected our medals, Finisher Tee and my bag, say a few hi to a few faces, I proceed to go to CP2 to meet JC. Spotted him from a distance. Aiyoh...he looks like he's in pain too! His first reaction to me...he's not going to do it again...haha..let's see if he still say the same after recovery. Regardless, he did well.
It's painful, it's not easy (at least for me) to complete the distance. But ask if it's worth sacrificing my sleep and going thru this, I'll still give a Yes :) Despite all this, it is still an enjoyable run for me. Happy to own a 42k finisher medal and are qualified to wear my own 42k Finisher tee, but that's just a small bit of it. More importantly, I feel stronger from inside out than before. I realized how I am being blessed that I am feeling 100% fresh throughout the run. Not sleepy at all and mentally going strong. These 2 are never my friend so I'm really caught by suprised that it didn't attack me at all. The pain in the leg is just an indication that my mileage is not enough and that is exactly why I want to do this marathon. To see how I feel going at such distance.
Till the next race.....rest well, eat well, train well :)