on Friday, December 05, 2008

It was pre-arranged to collect SCM racepack yesterday night followed by carbo loading dinner...I reached Expo at 7pm sharp and was amazed that at such hour, the queue is still as long...For the past years the queue is expected to be long and chaotic for the first few hours but it should subside towards the end of the day...But I was so wrong at this time....To cut the story short, it took me no less than 45mins to clear.......

Anyway.....I was compensated by getting myself some real good deal from Pearl Izumi...Muahahaha......Someone bought the same pair of shorts but I paid just half the price....**hiak hiak hiak**...Couldn't control myself and text her immediately......


On leave today but ended up waking up earlier than normal days for some errands. And then...it was bike hunting the whole afternoon..... Oh man.....this is as difficult as choosing the right husband.... Colours that attract, price that is within budget, size that fits....... The chances of getting all this is really not that high..... Try harder......


Burnz said...

ya loh, must be patience..

the bike leg is usually the longest distance in a triathlon event. so must get one that is most comfortable and suit u best.

dun forget you still have to run after the bike leg. hee hee :D