My legs is a bit sng after Tues run for whatever reason. The so call recovery, relaxing swim on Wednesday didn’t help much to release the sore. And happen that this week coach is not around, so no class on Thurs, I decided to join the gang to get a taste of NUS slopes once again……with the semi-sore legs….
Actually felt rather lethargic towards end of the day, decided to gulp down a can of…Red Bull…haha…Yawn….yawn……still feeling sleepy while making our way to Sing Poly. Thankfully, the momentum was up without much of a problem today… Countless slopes, not as tough as my first time conquering them but still….requires a little bit of effort…Good….just enough to feel yourself burning from inside…I like….
As usual, I was at the last pack saving some energy making my way up and down and make sure I still have fuel left for me to get back to start point. I was supposed to decide if I want to do a 14km or 11-12km. I’m comtemplating…should I, should I not. I better not waste brain cell, I thought. Wherever he goes, I go. So..the decision is him..not me..hahaha…. And so..we chosen the 11-12km, considering a) it’s already 1.20 hr since we started (excuses) b)it’s a hilly route(so what?) and c) we run slower and take longer to shower, so we better be back early before the rest (more excuses)…haha
Anyway, we were back to start point by 1.40hr which is really good enough for me for a weekday hilly run………. I like……
Yesterday CBD was a bit mental. It was pretty ok at the start and I managed to get into good momentum upon reaching Esplanade. The pack is getting faster and faster, left a few of us at the back of the pack J Good..when I don’t see them, I won’t chase till lung burst. All the way to Kallang Stadium u-turning at Tanjung Rhu bridge. 6.5k done. Now that’s a bit mental thinking of the long way back and the endless F1 track. Many….many wanted take the shortest route back as far as possible but doesn’t seem to have much options left. It all work out to be about the same distance..haha….bite the bullet and just move the legs lah….
Reaching F1, walked a while with Burnz and when the pack start to run, we tag along behind taking yet another short walking break along Esplanade….. So near yet so far, I can’t wait to finish the run. 13km is about the same as what we did for FC and MF depending on how many loops we’re doing but why is this route felt never ending?? Finally… reaching lau pa sat, morale is getting higher, slowly make our way back and I’m just glad to finish this run….. Got home, showered. I dozed off completely, 2 minutes upon hitting my head against the pillow……Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
The week came to an end unknowingly....and we're back to Monday blues........
It was the long awaited weekend and the last thing you want to happen is to fall sick on that day.... So disappointing having to rot at home on a public holiday :( Then again, it's probably that 1 day rest of doing nothing recovers you from mental and physical exhaustion... I'm all recharged by Saturday.
Alarm rang at 5.10am on Sunday but snooze till 6.30..haha.....Managed to clocked 2.45hr run and gotta stop when it starts to pour. I thought I could go on for a longer while more....but too bad. I haven't reach that 'hard core' level to run in the rain.. It was also Boon & Rachel's wedding, the most chiong hei couple I've seen. Even the church wedding ceremony and dinner program was rather.....looonngggggggg :) But I kinda like the church wedding... something different from the usual church ceremony we had in the past. Dinner time...not much appetite to eat....stop at the 5th dish, went home and zzzzzz....................
Next..................The Raft (Rough) Race……………
Still sandy and wet from top to toe…..we proceed to the beach for another challenging task.

And so.....we started to assemble.....End results:

that all turned up insane for this shot......

Anyway, the 2D1N team building trip to Bintan turn out to be soooooo much fun!! Much more than what I anticipated. Although am part of the organizing committee, I have no idea what the ‘surprise game’ that my admin and my boss had in mind for the rest of the 8 of us (in 4 teams).

We were told to bring swim attire, sandals, extra cloth and running shoe cuz we’re going to get wet, dirty and murky. Boss gave a briefing to everyone and showing us the presentation, it turn out to be……………”The Quest Technical Support Amazing Race” around Bintan lagoon. Find your clue, complete the challenge, solve the puzzle, try your luck in order to get to the next stage.
Boss, our host for the day gathered us at the lobby. We were to go to the “Adventure Golf” as our 1st stop. Where is the adventure golf?? “You got to find. Good luck and see you there” is all she said. 5-4-3-2-1 we ran as hard as we could. It was barely 50m from the lobby and my team happen to be the first to arrive..haha….
The challenge began……………….
Stage #1
4 mini golf holes. I handed the golf stick to my trusted partner (KY) to do the job. Done~!

“Who is Susie O’niell?”
We both look at boss our host “Who is Susie O’niell?”
Boss: “You don’t know?? Hmm…she took part in the Olympics”
Me: The pool?
Boos: I think you’re right
Me: Aiyah…..should have said Michael Phelps!!!!
We were the 2nd group that got out of the adventure golf. Another one coming very closely to us. Searching high and low, running all over the resort to find the pool. We reached, but nothing was in sight…It was quiet although we did get some stares from the stranger. KY check with some crews around if there’s another pool somewhere. There’s another up there… Oh man…gotta climb and jump over the drain to get there fast!!
Found it! We were the last to reach :( Nevermind….it’s just the 2nd stage.
Challenge: Lots of colorful balls with alphabet floating in the pool. You are supposed to find the alphabet to make out “Quest Technical Support”.
Me & KY jump straight into the pool together with the rest of the team to grab our alphabet.

Me & KY: Titanic!!!!! Oh!! The beach!!!
Getting tired man!! Ran another few hundreds meter to the beach. We were the 3rd to arrive
Stage #3 (a)
Challenge: Fill that bucket of water with the towel provided

After everyone bucket is filled up, adjourn to another starting a few steps ahead. You see a squarish area with taping around it. The next clue is hidden underneath the sand. You are supposed to find it.
This is tough! The weather is hot.

I think we took like 5-10 mins digging in to the sand. We were all coated with sand by now….I noticed the first two groups who got their clue is all by the side. And so I move to the side to start digging the sand. Lo and behold!!
Clue: Where do you usually use a cue --à Billard room!!!
Stage #4
Challenge: Solve the puzzle on a piece of paper and answer 5 questions related to Quest to test how well you know about YOUR company.
Poor pool table by the time we left (3rd team to leave), are all filled with water from our wet shirt and sands……. Host ask us to get back to start point and boss will be there to meet us.
Yay!! Mission completed.

As far as I can recall, this 2-3 weeks is the most horrible week at work for 2009. Expected since it’s quarter end but still certain thing irritates you so much…Sigh…nevermind… Oh...apart from work, I'm also getting very.......very irritated indeed with some postings and comments in the forum lately. Not that these people had my respect in the first place, but they are really degrading themselves in my humble opinion.
Anyway, no cbd but still managed clock a decent mileage after work for 2 hours. And I think I did found ‘my pace’ finally….after several attempt. A pace that I can last long, a pace that I can switch off and go auto pilot and most importantly not hurting the poor knee. Great……
Some shuffling on this week workout schedule since there’s quite a fair bit of happening around. Boss in town, out of town over weekend, dinner appt (ya…they are alllllll related to food)…hmm……I’ll squeeze out some time here and there.