on Friday, April 17, 2009

My legs is a bit sng after Tues run for whatever reason. The so call recovery, relaxing swim on Wednesday didn’t help much to release the sore. And happen that this week coach is not around, so no class on Thurs, I decided to join the gang to get a taste of NUS slopes once again……with the semi-sore legs….

Actually felt rather lethargic towards end of the day, decided to gulp down a can of…Red Bull…haha…Yawn….yawn……still feeling sleepy while making our way to Sing Poly. Thankfully, the momentum was up without much of a problem today… Countless slopes, not as tough as my first time conquering them but still….requires a little bit of effort…Good….just enough to feel yourself burning from inside…I like….

As usual, I was at the last pack saving some energy making my way up and down and make sure I still have fuel left for me to get back to start point. I was supposed to decide if I want to do a 14km or 11-12km. I’m comtemplating…should I, should I not. I better not waste brain cell, I thought. Wherever he goes, I go. So..the decision is him..not me..hahaha…. And so..we chosen the 11-12km, considering a) it’s already 1.20 hr since we started (excuses) b)it’s a hilly route(so what?) and c) we run slower and take longer to shower, so we better be back early before the rest (more excuses)…haha

Anyway, we were back to start point by 1.40hr which is really good enough for me for a weekday hilly run………. I like……