I am freezing cold in the office from day one. 1 long sleeve shirt with a sweater and I'm still feeling....not cold BUT freezing cold!!
I think I need a gloves too.....:)
You may be wondering what sort of privacy have I been yearning for all this while and I've finally gotten it?! well well well....... something that I wanted to have in the past 9 months since I join my last company early this year. If you have been following my blog fr the beginning, you noticed how little privacy I have at my workplace. Sitting right in front of a meeting room, sitting closest to the main entrance, sitting face to face with the boss and blah blah blah......
Today.... the 1st day of work in my new company happens to be a good start for me. As expected, 1st day of work usually ended up in reading materials lah, going thru HR policy lah....this and that. But one thing that I'm truly overwhelm is the 1 week old brand new setup unit of my department with new furnitures AND my seating location with total privacy at the corner by the window on a 22nd storey high facing ECP and half of Marina. I no longer need to open the entrance door, no longer need to answer people who's in the meeting room, no longer having my stationaries stolen by people in the meeting room.
Yay Yay!!!!!
Tah Dah ~~~~~~~~~~~~
FINALLY...........It's over! Being the 1st timer, it's already a great sense of achievement though my timing was....kinda lousy :P (1hr 20mins). Indeed, when u are in a race, as much body strength as you need, mental strength is equally important. An inner strength that motivates and keeps you going. Anyway, am glad it's over and the medal................ as long as you finished the race, be it in 1hr or 3 hrs, you'll still get it. So...not really a big deal lah. They should limit it to only those who finished within certain period of time hor......then people can work harder to get it mah. But then, people like me.... may not stand a chance to have it :)
I was sms-ing Damon, my colleague to see how is he doing. (He's doing the full 42Km for the 1st time). The first thing he told me was.. "The pain is TERRIBLE, but still completed the race". I then asked what's his timing. The reply was.........."7+ hours"!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it must be really a torturing experience both physically and mentally. Imangine running for 7+ hours, tat is from 6am to 1+pm. Consider luckly of not suffering from heat stroke man. I'll think I'll be landed in hospital if I'm in his position. JC another fren of mine, who has been training real hard and participated quite a number of marathons completed in 4+ hours. These people are a "superman" to me. Nevertheless, being in such event for the first time and seeing how these professionals run, I think it's really a great sense of achievement to those who finishes the 42km no matter what your timing is.
Dec 4 2005 - The Greatest Race on Earth will take place in Singapore, where thousands of people will gather together for one goal.......the challenge of their life, to reach the finishing line. It's The Greatest Race on Earth because it's unique, it's ambitious and it's a huge achievement for anyone to even cross the finish line.
And me.......in 12 hours time (it's 5pm now), I'll be crawling out from the comfort of my bed to join this once in MY lifetime event. Though I'm just participating as a quarter marathon fun runner & being the first timer, I've started to feel the excitement, the "gan cheong-ness" in me.
My colleague have been saying to me "very gan cheong leh....so scared....if cannot finish the 10km mark how?? " I always console her AND myself.....that we'll sure finish....it's a matter of time yeah.....
Do you know what is this? Make a guesss...............
Some of you may know but for some as "suaku" as me, you never know. If not I've seen JC wore it before, I have no idea what is it man..... It's call a championchip. An electronic device that registers your race route from start to finish line. It works by locking your time when you step on the electric timing mat at the start and end lines. So high tech hor! Erm....so how to attached this thingie with you? It's supposed to be tied together with you shoe using your shoelace or whatever string. So.......I'm gonna spend the next couple of minutes figuring out how to go about doing that....:)
Some of you might have know that I'm in a new job for just slightly more than half a year. It was kind of a confusing yet exciting experience cuz I have been in my previous job for the last 5 years. Having to leave your good old colleagues, the comfort of your seats where you've seated for the past years and the reputation(good one of course) that you had in the company wasn't a good experience at all. And when you're in a brand new job, you face new colleagues (which you would not know what sort of creatures are they), new boss, new environment, having to adapt everything from head to toe all over again. Excited yet feeling insecure.
While I have already establish the comfort level in my new place here.....it's happening AGAIN!!! Yeah yeah......I'm moving to another job AGAIN. Not because it's not a good place here but it's probably the pull factor is quite strong. I hate to go thru the same experience again of having to adapt to new environment all over again. And the only thing that I'll surely miss is the good colleagues that I have in JSA....Guys and gals....those who are in JSA, you know who u are......:)
I have not reached to the level where I think I can take the job as a retirement job, but at the same time, I do not want to go thru the pain to adapt to new things so often....Hai yah.....hard to please.......hard to satisfy.........HOW like that??
Check this super huge BIG MAC cum Whopper A380 Airbus that arrived in S'pore last Weds. The one and only double deck aircraft that can hold up to 555 seats!! I noticed that on that particular day, everywhere else was rather quiet during lunch hour. Those crowd in the usual hangout lunch places was disappear until I was told that the airbus is in town!
Having an airport pass that can access to the airside is definitely an advantages in this case. Without hesitation, a whole bunch of us in the office marshal in to the airside. Without us making any effort to look for the fleet, the tail of it was huuuugggggeeeee enough to caught my attention from far. As we go closer and closer, oh my goodness!!!!! IT was sooooooo huge!!! Travellers, airport staff were standing right close to the fleet from the transit area admiring it. Now I know where all those people gone to during lunch hour. Check out the photos here. You notice how small the man is compare to the super jumbo airbus?
It seems that after my last postings, I got more attacks from those little creatures. First, it suddenly appears out of no where when I opened up the piano chair trying to grab a book. As it was dark in color, it was nicely camouflage by the color of my piano. Imagine if I did not open up the chair cover and sat on that little creature!!!!! I would have fainted........
Yesterday morning, again I spotted another lizard right inside my kitchen sink!! Urgh!!! I think the lizard got shock too....:) So I was like.....ok...leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. I ended washing my sandwich knife in the toilet. 12 hours later when I'm back home, it's still in there!!! I decided to give that little creature another 12 hours hoping that it will disappear by then. It did not!!!! I woke up this morning and it's still there!! Oh no!!!....... I was reluctant to do anything and I seriously do not know what to do man...... I think the lizard is sick lah....else why stay in the sink one whole day, without food some more leh. Well, I can't possibly leave it for another 24 hours. I NEED TO USE THE SINK! I grab the insecticide, and spray and spray and spray on it. You wouldn't have imagine how I spray it, knowing that I dun even dare to go near it. I stood up on a chair and from a distance and spray it hard on it!! Think I used up almost 1/3 of the insecticide...heehee...It responded a while and stopped. I think it's really weak by then. It can't even climb out of the sink. While he's struggling from the toxic and watching it's body turn from cream color to black, I'm also struggling what to do next. I have all kinds of silly thoughts. Shall I drown it first and scoop it up? To cut the story short, I ended up using a bamboo stick, tied up with an unwanted scoop (so that it's long enough for me to keep a distance from it mah), hold it on my left hand, on my right hand is another bamboo stick to push it to the scoop. That scooping process itself took me almost 10 mins leh. So "geli" u know!!! Next, throw it in the bin loh.
Haiz...... so that's the ultimate event of the day for me. I would never have done that if I'm not staying alone. BL, my ex-colleague is another interesting guy. He told me that he once had a lizard that shit on the same spot. He then stick a piece of paper on that same spot and sometimes even put rice grains on it! He ended up having a toilet trained lizard!! I was like......"whatz up man.." Can come to my place and bring some home to rear.
As far as I know, most people (ladies out there esp) tend to get more irritated or rather "scared" of cockcroaches more than lizards. I'm the opposite, rather extreme one. I can't even bring myself to "shoo" them away using a broom or whatsoever. Very scared leh......It all started when I was still young where I got "attack" by lizards a couple of times. These little creatures will suddenly jump on to my body while I'm opening the letter box or even when I'm scooping rice from the rice cooker!! Everytime when the lizard appear right in front of me, I'll shout for my dad and he will always come to my rescue without fail. Thanks dad!.... He will then take a rubber band and shoot it right on the lizard. Once it got hit and fall on the ground, my dad will use his bare hand to pick it up and guess what's next....... he'll feed the lizard to our one and only insects eating fish. Yea....we had a fish that eats creatures like lizards, toad...etc....Sounds very yeakie right? At times my dad even ask me "any lizards around? the fish has not eaten for days!!". Of course we do have other decents fishes like gold fish...etc As we're staying right up in a hill and next to a mini forest with empty land front and back of the house back then, little creatures like this are very common. Scorpions, snakes, centepede are our frequent visitors within our house compound.
Coming back to where I am now, for whatever reason, I'm seeing lizards wondering around my house this couple of days. I feel irritated by it and my dad is not around to rescue me :( As what I observed, and from the sizes of it, I think these family of 3 is building their own home in my home!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh HELP!!!!! how?how?how? Hopefully they will stay away from me for at least the next 2 weeks....by then....my dad will be here visiting me...... :)
This entire week is indeed like a "honeymoon" week for me. For most of us who is not taking leave and going to work on Mon, Wed and Fri, it was as if it's a Friday every day. The thing about us is that when there's no holiday...... we'll ended up making comments like "haiz....so sianz...... no holiday". But when there's holiday and even 2 days off in a week, we'll make comments like "haiz....very sian hor.....work one day, off the next day. How I wish the whole week is off". Haiz..... no holiday complain, got holiday also complain... what to do?? Perhaps, not having to worry about financially tide and with plenty of free time in hand for holiday would be ideal.....hehee :)
I'm finally back to blogging after weeks silence. Hmmm.....where do I start now....Too many things happening. After my recent trip back to KL last week, I'm full of sentiments now. Before I knew it, a church friend of mine whom I last seen was still in secondary school few years back, is now a father of a 2 year old girl.
My nephew and niece have grown up so much......I feel......"old"....:( So what does that tells? That time is flying by like a speed of light without you realizing it.
Yay! 2 more days and I'll be entering into the Esplanade Theatre for Peter Pan. This is going to be the 2nd time I'm entering into the glamourous theatre. The first was a gift from my ex-company MD to catch "Ma-Ma Mia". Maybe I'm a bit "sua-ku" but just by entering into the theatre be it whether you enjoy the show or not, is already an eye opening experience. This time round to Peter Pan.......it's also FOC....hahahaha!!! It happen that my company is doing some promo together with the organizer of Peter Pan, so we're all given a free ticket each....muahahahah.
Hmm.......I'm looking for sponsor to Quidam.....anybody?
My home PC is playing trick on me!!! I can’t update my blog from my home PC?!?!?!? It says “Page cannot be display”. Oh no!! Why why why!?!?!? It has been like that for the past few days and all I can do is……to update during office hour :)
I spoke to KH, my walking IT directory cum real time knowledge base guru about this problem that’s bugging me. Here’s our conversation :
ST: I can’t update my blog from my home pc leh…. Strange thing I can update other people’s blog which I have access to.
KH: You see….. your PC do not want you to blog too often
ST: Then I’ll have to blog during office hour already loh
KH: That’s what blogging is all about…..
I usually did my grocery cum marketing shopping at NTUC near by my place. As results of trying to stock up groceries at one go, I ended up with both hands holding a numbers of big plastic bags from NTUC. As what a normal person would do, I’m sure you wanted to walk fast and quickly reach home right? There’s this group of aunties stood around the shopping area distributing pamphlet and they are trying to distribute it to me. I’m sure the full loads on both my hands are obvious enough to tell them that I’ve no hands to take their pamphlet. Yet………. They come straight to me and hand out the pamphlet right in front of me so much so that I really have to walk past the pamphlet that touches my body….. Aiyoh….Not that I want to be rude but can’t they see that I have no hands?!??!!?
On a separate occasion, while I was jogging round my neighbourhood, I pass by a mini food fair. I think my jog is not that slow till it gives peolple the impression that I’m just strolling loh…. This 2 malay young chap came to me (while I was jogging towards them looking sweaty ok), came to me and ask….. “mam…would you like to taste on this and that?”…… What’s up with this people siah?!?!?!!?
I did something which I consider extraordinary (well...at least for me but for some ppl, it's just peanuts) over the weekend. I...........(****drum roll*****)........ signed up for the year end Singapore MARATHON run organized by Standard Chartered. Yeah right! Tell me about it. But hold on hold on.... I really did signed up ....only for a 10km run, not the full 42km ok!! I can die, if not I'll be bedridden....hahahah.
It all happen one day when we had a chat in the office and the guys who are already training for the full run was talking about it. I asked my other female colleague if they intend to participate for the 10km and true enough...she is looking for kakis to join her too! So........to cut the story short....that's how I ended up signing up in the competition. I do hesitate a while and not that really confident if I can finish it....but well.....its a matter of time..... Try to take it as a fun run rather than stressing myself huh........
Ok.....Wish me luck.....2 more months to go!!! I'm excited....:)
It has been a week full of eating and eating and makan and makan for me. First, I had a sumptious lunch at a Thai restaurant to so call "celebrate" the post system migration in our company. On the same day, I had buffet dinner to farewell Orielle together with Linus and JC. Next, I had 3 heavy meal yesterday!!!! Mcdonald breakfast, HK La Mien with Calvin for lunch and a BBQ dinner with my colleagues. Urgh!!!! I felt as if all my hard work running for hours in the past few weeks has gone down the drain juz in a day...OH NO!!!!!! :(
Haiz.....so guilty now leh......I'm going to (eh....it should be I MUST) work extra hard this coming week.
Without realizing it, year end is coming realllll soon…. But before that, “my day” is approaching soon too…… Well, I’ve never been secretive about my age BUT I hate to say that I’m going to reach the 3 digit next year……wuahahahaha!!! Being 18 / 21 was like just not long ago only leh….how come so fast come to the last year of 20s already huh…….Nevertheless, here’s my wish list of things I hope to experience before I reach to a stage where I can’t do it due to this thing call AGE……
1) Sky Diving (NO bungee jump please…..I can die…..)
2) Water Rafting
3) Take a ride on the hot air balloon
4) Hiking on a glacier
5) Tour to as many countries as possible
6) Be able to run 10km at one go
Achievable? I shall keep you update…..hehehe……
I was at a church friends 21st bday party last night and I'm truly amazed at the way it was organized. There are printed bulletin on the program sequence (just like what you see in a church wedding!!), song service, short message by the pastor, special music, performances, games...blah blah blah. Thereafter the cake cutting, there's photo taking session with parents, church friends, relative...etc.... We can't stop ourselves from laughing....It was exactly like a church wedding........
I noticed this trend of celeberating their 21st only happen in S'pore. As far as I can remember, there's no such even in M'sia during my 20 years of staying there, INCLUDING MY OWN! My 21st was just another normal day with a cake (oh yes...at least there's a cake), without bday song or candle and dinner with family. That's good enough for me. Poor WC while he was sitting with me yesterday at the party, commented that he's on his own on his 21st with plain water. Hahahaha
As the end of the year is approaching reaaaalllllll soon, many people have started planning for their year end holiday. Being a “travel-holic” myself, I’M STUCK!!! I have too many places that I want to go, too little leave on hand, too little money to afford.
I have Perth/Mel, Korea, HK and NZ in mind. Going to Perth/Mel is of course to visit my family and all my little nieces and nephew. Korea is my next target ever since I got attracted by charming BYJ on the ultimate Korean show - Winter Sonata. Hahahaha……. :) HK~~~ that’s simply because I MUST make sure I make use of the staff travel benefits of our company while I’m still working here. I only pay S$20 (excl tax) for the airfare leh!!!!! Can just go and eat tim-sum and come back…hahaha….Shhhhhhh…..dun tell anybody……..
So where should I go leh?!?!?!?
I has been a peaceful week for me in the past few days. Nothing extraordinary happen, which is probably why you did not see much updates in my blog. Today being Sunday where most people will be out shopping, catching a movie...etc.... I choosed to stay at home and "nua" and maybe getting some personal stuff done. People tend to ask me if I feel lonely staying alone. NOT AT ALL. I truly enjoy the privacy, the independant life that I'm having now!!
I just spoke to my ex-colleague CT a while ago on MSN. Both he and Nsesagi were at the office working on some migration project. Apparently, this never-ending project has been happening since the day I was with my ex company more than half a year ago. I can imagine how exhaused and headache they must be having. Not only their weekend got burned, but also the late night during the week and the demand that they have from "various" bosses. I guess if I'm still with the company, this blog will never exist. Why? Where got time woh!!
For some reason, my usb camera cable refused to get my camera connected to my pc. After several attempt, I concluded that the cable is faulty and that means I got to spend $$ AGAIN....haiz....... why always like that when I'm at my "dryest" time leh......?? Anyway, I decided to get a memory card reader from Challenger this morning.
To test it out....I got my new running shoe uploaded here...heheheheheh
What do you expect from such simple creatures?
Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car Mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental - $100.
People never stare at your chest when you are talking to them. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut, blister or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A 5 day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all of your own jars. You get credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everthing on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe even decades. You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life. Your belly usually hides your big hips. One wallet in one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter what how your legs look. You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growning a mustache.
Haiz....what else can I say? Men are just happier that ladies?
Just yesterday, I personally witness one traggic incident in my church compound. While we were all having our lunch, an old lady suddenly collapsed right at her seat while she were having lunch. People around started to get help, thinking the she might have choked herself. Her heartbeat was weak, she wasn't conscious anymore. Effort made to revive her were in vain. While waiting for the ambulance to come, all we can do is just to wait....helplessly.
The nurses did a CPR to her on the spot, still, it is in vain. She was brought to the hospital right after that. Hours ago, Jimmy called telling me she's gone, apparently due to heart failure. Life is so unpredictable isn't it?
My running shoe has finally worn out after 5 hard years. It has started to give my toes some quite a fair bit of soreness after wearing it only for a short period of time. I have been shopping for a new pair of shoe for the past months, within a very limited budget. I'm one who will shop round and round, compare here and there, take a few days to think about it before making the final purchase. Finally I came across this Aesics shoe that is super comfortable and nice design BUT it was way over my budget. I did had the urge to buy it but was trying hard to spend within my budget, trying to be patient to look for other alternative. I decided to give it a miss...... haiz...
One day, it just happen that I realized there is a royal sports house at airport T1 airside area. Goods like this are usually cheaper than the market rate out there and with the discount card that I had with me.....muahahahaha. I give it a try in there. Guess what.... there's a similar pair of shoe (though not exactly the same) in the shelves. Tried on it and yay!!!! I'm now the proud owner of this new Aesics shoe. Oh yes, I paid $40 lesser than the market rate..... $40 can do a lot of thing hor..... This thing call patience, that God give to us is something that will just do us good and no harm....
Eversince I'm back from the 3 full day conference, I have been working non stop throughout the day the clear all the backlogs. And believe me, after 5 months of working here, this is my busiest time of all. Most of the time I've been surfing net acting busy...:) As much as I wanted to blog in the office, but my seating position is really not a good place to do too much of a personal stuff. To give you a brief idea how it is like, I seated right in front of my boss, face to face!! There's 2 meeting room behind me. This also means that my computer screen can be easily monitored by people walking in and out of the meeting room. At times, these unconsiderate people will group themselves right behind me after the meeting and talk and talk and talk, giving me NO PRIVACY at all. And imagine there's always people come asking you "who's in the meeting room?" Walau...thought wat...seating near the meeting room doesn't mean I'll know who went in and out mah! Not to mention other small little things like asking u for post-it pad, eraser...etc for their meeting. Thought I supply stationery izit!!!??? To make thing worst, it's also near to the main entrance. Yeah...sad to say, I'm the receptionist cum door opener at times.....:( So.... why am I blogging at this hour?? IT'S LUNCH TIME...nobody is around...muahahahhahaha
Haiz....those were the days in my ex-company where I have total privacy in my seat.
I'm back after almost a week of silence. I had my first experienced attending a TechEd conference conducted by Microsoft for 3 days at Suntec City. Thanks to David, my colleague for the invitation. It was an eye opening experience for me having been able to meet so many experts from Microsoft. And when I say expert......THEY REALLY ARE EXPERT!!! Other than getting more in depth knowledge in IT, one of the main reason that myself and David wanted to attend this conference is to network with as much people as we can so that....... we can have more lobang in our next "hop"....hehehe..... Seriously, I have been having the thought of diversifying into a non-IT job. It is just so tiring of having to catch up with technology from time to time. But after the 3 days conference, somehow I started to give a serious thought of remaining in the industry and even getting myself more certified in the Industry. I shall make sure that I remain in contact with those Microsoft people for the sake of my career....Sigh....tats me.....tend to be easily influenced by the surroundings......
Time is crawling today. Probably is because I'm suffering from a severe monday blues....:( so much so that I decided to blog during office hour, with my boss seating right in front of me. Erm.....right in front of me doesn't mean right in front of my computer screen mah.....Just have to be more alert when there are people walking around me.
I just had a haircut at one well known saloon which I've NEVER been before. It all happen on one fine morning when I decided to go for a haircut. I called up my usual saloon looking for my usual stylist, only to know that she is on long leave and will be back in 2 weeks time. Feeling quite desparate to get the hair cut, I decided to try this new well known outlet.
Just when I got seated, this (guarantee + warranty) gay came to attend to me. As friendly as he may be, once I said I wanted to cut a few inch shorter, he started to ask question like "would you want to do a treatment?" followed by "why don't you do a highlight as well?" I then asked how much does that cost. To my suprised, he brought a calculator, show me their promo and try to convince me to signed a program which cost a whopping S$450++. I rejected on the spot though he's still trying hard to sell me the idea. Well, I decided to do the highlight and a cut in the end. But it didn't end there..... it goes on and on asking if I would like to apply this cream that makes my hair shinier, asking me if I would want to purchase their shampoo which he claims suits perfectly on my hair condition. Yeah right!! Tell me abt it. To cut the story short.... I rejected ALL of his offer though I know he's not quite happy with me but who cares.....I'm the customer.. You could have imagine I can simply spent up S$600 if I were to take in all the offer that he proposed. That is totally unacceptable!! Maybe one day when I'm earning PEANUT, I will consider that....hahahahah
The sadest part of it is, call himself a senior stylist only to find out that he did not do a good job as what I've expected and yet...I've paid quite a big sum of $$$.....heartache...heartache....
So...the lesson of the day for me is ~~~~~I SHALL STAY LOYAL TO MY HAIRSTYLIST :)
Being called as "aunty" really makes me old....argh........ Don't you agree ladies out there? But wait........ there's a revised unique name given to me by my little nephews and nieces. As the youngest among the siblings, I have 3 sisters and 1 brother (the eldest) above me. Having the need to different each of us, I'm the proud "little gu jeh" of my brother's 2 little gal. Now that makes me feel younger....hehehe
Joel, my eldest nephew, gave me another name when he was just 1+. Calling him "bee-bee" when he was juz a baby and couldn't pronounce a proper word, he will refer me as "bee-ji", meaning a yee-yee (means their mum's sis in cantonese) who calls him bee-bee. So this is how "bee-ji" came about and how it was pass from this nephew of mine to my other nephews and niece till now. Time flies.....It has been 10 years now, since I got this unique name from him.
Gerald, my 3+ years old nephew has been in Perth for almost a year now. He is one who really got attached to me, for whatever reason..... I'm the "all time favourite" among the kids. hahaha.... I still remember how badly I was crying (yes...i wasn't sobing, I'm crying all my heart out!!!!) when I depart from KL the very last time I saw him just before he left for Perth. Well....we still talk to each other over the phone now and then.
Ysabel, the youngest niece among all, a mix blood of chinese and El Savador (was it south american?) just had her 1st birthday not long. Mix blood babies usually looks good, agree? Have not seen her in person yet but true enough, from her photos - she's such a lovely little gal....
Kids..... are fun AT TIMES..... Having 6 of them is really driving me crazy during Christmas. I almost shop all around S'pore to get them their Christmas present, taking into consideration whether they will fight for their gift...etc...etc....... But well..... now that all of them are staying apart, a once a year gift is no big deal.... :)
I'm getting very impressed with bloggers having to keep their blog so updated from time to time, beautifying it. This is only my second post and my hair was like falling off having to figure how to do this and do that (putting aside that I'm in IT line hor!!!pai seh pai seh....), only to realized how much effort the frequent bloggers have put in....... For those who knows who you are......I SALUTE YOU!!!! :)
Finally......... I'm starting my on blog!!! Seriously speaking, I can't imagine myself blogging given that I'm definitely not a creative person and someone with little words....:P So what triggers me to start it off?? Hmmm....I'm still questioning myself though...... :)
It was supposed to be a half day Sunday outdoor activity for me today. Slept at 1am yest, woke up at 7:30am this morn (this is a total abnormality for me, if you know what I meant (for those who knows me well). Intial plan was to leave home at 9 for Jumble sale. Somehow.....Mr. Zzzz calling me again after I finished vacuum the floor and breakfast. I decided to take a short nap...and LOL..... it was 12:30pm when I woke up!!! hahaha...SHIOK though..
So here am I having enough of sleep to replenish and getting ready for a new week..... doing extras on a sunday.......BLOGGING......muahahahahaha :)