on Friday, December 11, 2009

Pure laziness is probably the right word to describe why this blog has gone quiet for some time. From falling ill the week before SCM to running the half mara to a drastic change of management at work to catching up on a super long Korean show...that probably sum up to what I've been up to in the past couple of weeks.

Swim class on the other hand was supposedly a tapering session last week but it ended up not physically but a pretty 'mental' session.

4 x 50m warm up
4 x 50m kicking drill
20 x 50m pull buoy & paddle
This sounds like the usual stuff but after a few laps, I'm asked to practice the elbow exit as well. Ok..noted..that's pointer no. 1. Few more laps, here comes pointer no. 2 - left hand be straight. Ok..so my left hand looks like I'm pointing to the inner side instead of going straight. Noted. So...for the few laps, I tried to be as conscious as I can to remind myself on elbow exit - left hand straight, elbow exit left hand straight...

I got stopped again after a while. Here comes the last one. Leg close up and streamline the body to a straight line. Sounds easy but not so. Elbow exit -left hand straight - keep the leg close. It got a little messy and the toes starts to show some symptoms of getting cramp. 20 laps done. My mind is still repeating the elbow exit left hand straight close the leg.

Last one - similar to the previous but without pullbuoy & paddle. 10 x 50m
JIT to call it a day........ No arms breaking session, just a lot of 'theories' to absorb..haha....