It seems to be rather traditional to recall what we have done in the last 1 year and what we should or wanted to achive in 2008.
I was browing thru my 2007 resolution in SGrunner's blog as well as the one I posted on my blog.
1) Be able to make running as part of my lifestyle - Achived and to be maintain in the years to come
2) Have the guts to run a half mara - Achieved. Not 1 but 2. YAY!!
3) Be able reduce some body fat - Hmm... not 100% achieved but more to come
Needless to say, 2007 is indeed a good year and full of God's blessings (in no particular order).
1) I am blessed to have a good boss and colleague to work with. There is no conflict of working together with the team at all throughout the entire year.
2) I am blessed to get to know a bunch of good kakis from SGrunners. These bunch of ppl helps me to push beyond limit and is part of my source of encouragement to do 2 HM in 2007
3) I am blessed that I am still healthy and improved my fitness level
4) I am blessed to have a loving family
5) I am blessed to have a good bunch of friends in church who treated each other like their own families
So any resolution in 2008? Sure do...but mostly are meant to be broken?? hehee
- Improve my fitness to the next level. That includes running longer distance, improve and strengthen core muscles, swim & cycle more regularly
- Take a 2-3 weeks vacation. The last one was way back in 2004. Die die must aim for this.
- Continue to have a good working relation with the team
- Improve my management & communication skills at work
- Able to continue to dedicate my whatever talent to God & learn to be thankful in all circumstances
- Spent more time with friends and family, instead of going idle at home most of the time
- Treat others as how I would like to be treated
God never promise that life will be good but from all trials and tribulations that we encounter in our everyday life, we will come out shining like gold and become a stronger person.
Cheers to all my blog reader...
MR Ultramarathon 2007
It was never in my intention at all to complete yesterday's MR ultra of 5 x 10.8km. Min 5 laps between 7am - 7pm. Some target to go beyond 5. But somehow, just a few days before the actual day, I felt a sudden urge and are motivated to complete the 5 loops. I was feeling good mentally and decided to give it a try, subject to body condition with lots of lots and reasoning :
1) I am not familiar with the terrain in MR
2) I have not trained under such terrain before
3) I've never run longer than 23km before
Nevertheless, 2 loops is the min, best to go for 3 loops, excellent if I can push for 5 loops. I will decide to go for the next loop at the end of each loops. No pressure at all.
Reached MR at 6:40am yesterday and get to see all the excitement that everyone has. Here's what happen throughout the run.
1st lap: Ran with Tiwazz. The day before, over MSN, we have agreed to run together as his pace is very comfortable to me. It was a good one but there's some downhill slope that I couldn't land properly. Hit my toe hard on several times. But it's ok. Next, just before reaching golf course, I trip on a huge rock/stone whatever you call it. So hard that I almost push the gal in front of me. Luckily managed to balance in time without falling BUT dunno how I ended a pull on my butt and upper thigh muscle. It's an almost immediate cramp on my butt and upper thigh. Jialat... I walk for a while and ask Tiwazz to move ahead. I tried jog slowly, luckily the pain faded off after 5 mins and managed to catch up with Tiwazz again. Have not run this 10.8km route before and my many slopes!! Being just the 1st lap, everything went well. Reached the start point in 1.30hr
2nd lap: Started off with Tiwazz again. It was smooth sailing until we are about to exit Lornie Road. While trying to balance myself on the downslope on those rocky terrain, I sprained my ankle. Started to give me some slight discomfort, I have to run/walk all the way. Tiwazz is already way infront, like 200m infront of me. I thought the pain will fade away just like the 1st incident I have in the 1st loop. Reached the 2nd water point, took a powergel and slowly make my way to the end point. Rested a while, chatted with FD and had a choc bar. Feeling the pain on the ankle is getting more painful, I'm in doubt if I should go for the 3rd. Tiwazz keep jio-ing me. I hesitated a while but decided to give it a try. Can walk the entire loop I really can't run.
3rd lap: It was the most painful and torturing and longest 10km that I've ever done in my life. Just when I started the 3rd lap, I'm already feeling that the ankle is acting up in pain. It's not even into the trail yet. I asked Tiwazz to go ahead and I'll follow him from behind. Should I u-turn back? or should I continue? Maybe it'll get better later? The same thoughts is in me in the first 2km. I decided to take the risk. I continue to walk and try to run slowly. It lasted for a little while but the pain is getting serious as I doesn't seem to be able to bend my feet during landing. If not I'll have to run or walk on the inner side of the foot. I am trying all sorts of method to run/walk in order to speed up. Helps a little but doesn't last long. Then.... my planter faciitis act up!! On the same feet! So my right feet is basically out of function at this point. There's like 6km more to go and I'm walking like a snail. Even the tourist taking pics of monkeys are faster than me. I sat at the Ranger station, took off my shoe and do some massaging, seeing all runners passing by still in high spirit. Sigh..... so demoralized. I'll have to rely on my left leg to do all the climbing of slopes and draw more strength from there. But as expected loh...the left knee will also be screeming in exhausion..haha..Serve me right... Along the way, Jodan catch up with me. Chatted a while and he passed me his EZlink card. Told him I don't think I need it but just in case, I took it from him. It was really a mental torture and it's so tiring to walk a 10km. It's taking forever and ever and ever to reach. I tried a couple of time to run but serve me right again, that same spot on the ankle got a slight sprain again. So it's double attack. I made my slow slow way towards the 2nd water point and catch up with Jodan. Took a long break with him at the bus stop. I decided to slowwwwllyyy walk back with him to start point. Maybe just 20m after walking, I decided to u-turn back and take a bus. Just about 3 bus stop away. Totally not a good way to end the 3rd loop but I think this 3rd lap is already a total failure. So it doesn't really matter haha.. A bit demoralised already. Weak mind? Maybe. Why do I want to risk for more injury and may not able to run for the next month or so, worth it not?
Anyway, I alighted 1 bus stop earlier so there's still a bit of a walking to do before I reach the end point.
I guess each of us have different goals in mind. Some wanted to push hard enough to earn the MRUltramarathon finisher title no matter how much pain they are bearing. But to me, there's no hero here. I am very conservative. We know our body best. There will be peer pressure to push us along but they wouldn't know the agony you are having right now. Some commented that with 5-6 hours left to go, I can easily walk to complete the 5 loops. Yes I agree. But that will be 100% walking in SLOW speed and in pain. It has totally defeated the purpose to taking part in Ultra. Even without a sprained ankle, I don't think I will adapt a run 2 round, walk 3 round method. I hope to be able to run as much as my body can take.
So in a way, I'm not totally disapointed (hmm...maybe a little lah) that I did not complete the 5 loops. At least, I've achieved my 2 loops min, 3 loops will be best expectation :) A little pity that JC is not able to participate in this run, as I'm sure he will be one of those who will push to the maximum throughout the 12 hours. Anyway, safety comes first. Stayed through until 530pm and it was pretty enjoyable to catch up and chit chat with all sgrunners and witnessing all the runners finishing lap after lap. It is heart warming to see the them coming in to the finishing line, though exhausted and some are in pain. I'm happy to share their joy :)
As expected, it was a week of feasting and feasting and more feasting. At a glance,
Friday 21st – Knock off sharp at 5pm, quickly went for a swim before heading to church for practice
Sat 22nd – 50th anniversary celebration in church. It was a full day program from morn till night. Haven’t been having such full day activities for ages. Felt super exhausted at the end of the day. Special lunch catered. Dinner at Sakae Sushi
Sun 23rd – Met with SGrunners kaki for laksa at Yishun. Lady boss have been craving for laksa ever since SCSM. But guess what…. Laksa stall is not open yet!!!!! Walk over to another coffee shop for the “not so good” laksa and dim sum. Head off to WC housewarming. Eat again!!
Mon 24th – Church 50th anniversary dinner. Eat again!!
Feasting is ok BUT the worst part is….input is more than output = Pui liao!! Did a couple of short run but definitely not able to get rid of all those calories consumed!! And I missed the 3-hill-run that I have been looking forward to, organized by “someone”. ***Double madness****
This is very similar to the one I took while I was in Alaska way back in 2004. Just when thing looks a little bit gloomy, once again I'm being reminded by the rainbow I'm seeing right now in front of my office desk, just how God has blessed me throughout ups and down, stress and happiness. For two weeks in a row, I'm seeing a beautiful full arch rainbow at the perfect time when I'm feeling tense up at work.
I felt like I'm going to explode anytime soon. Not because of anger. But there's too much stuff inside that I need to release and talk it out loud! But different topic has different target audience and different audience have different comfort level to me. So…… ignore me if you see me mumbling to myself.......
HOT YOGA......
Hmm...I'm not a yoga person but I decided to give this a try yesterday. After 1.5 hrs of pumping on weight training & a light cardio, I head off to the HY studio. Not knowing what to expect as it is my first time trying, I went to the back of the studio and prepare my mat.
It wasn't as hot as I thought. Instructor came and the fun begin. Oh dear...I haven't been doing or rather have not done such extent of stretching in my entire life leh. Some of the movement is really not easy but instructor is kind enough to give us an easier option. Still....I find it difficult. Yeah...I admit. My muscles are all pretty tight. I can feel that, the doctor said the same too. Which is why I decided to give yoga a try.
The session ended in an hour. I'm EXHAUSTED!!! Chop Chop go shower. This morning, as expected, I'm bearing the pain in my butt, abs, thigh and arms :) Everything got to go slow motion a bit loh
I still prefer the adrenalin rush that I get from a good cardio workout as compare to low intensity workout. I might still want to give it another shot... Shall see :)
After more than a week of slackness = 0 mileage since SCM, I'm back to CBD run today. Was deparately looking forward as legs are starting to get itchi, stomach felt a bit bloated.
It was dark clouds all over but suprisingly a huge turnout today. As soon as we started on the way along Maxwell, I felt weird. Hmm.... as if my two legs and hand are not in sync. Felt like I've forgotten how to run. Maybe I'm just not warm up yet I thought. It gets slighter better towards Esplanade and all the way to the top of Fort Canning. Still felt a bit weird, shoulder and back are aching but bearable. Trainer say do 1 loop at the top of FC, relac pace. Ok, I tag along the crowd. Half way thru, I can really feel that my engine is dying. Dunno why....hmmm...actually I know why lah. Anyway.... I got to change gear already, from moderately relax to super slow pace. Halfway thru on the way back, was stopped by a group of Indian tourist. "Where is the Merlion?" "Sorry?" I responded. "Where is the merlion?" "The merlion? It's just right across the traffic light there". Good I thought. Give me a few seconds to rest my leg before continuing my slow slow run back to TP again. By the time I reach....all are back there cooling down already.. Oh well..... not really a good run for me but good to sweat it all out.
It was a short relax run but I ended up feeling tired as if I've done an interval run. Took MRT home and while walking back from the station, this guy (can't be bothered to find out was it insurance, credit card...etc) rep trying to start a conversation with me. I wonder whether they are trained to do PR? He was just tagging along slightly behind me and I didn't have any eye contact with him at all. For all a sudden he started off asking "eh? you came back from basketball? or badminton?" Haiz..young man...I think my face is clearly stated that I'm tired and can't wait to reach home. Stop bothering me. Sorry to be blunt but I just give him a "NO" and off I go.
Almost half a month gone for Dec. It is always known as a month of festive, feasting, holiday, shopping, pressies, bonus and Christmas
Sad to say, none of these applies to me. At least it is not NOW. It is still as busy as it is, so much so that I've decided to stay away from it for a while and update my blog. I dun understand why. Seems like those people out there are still doing server migration, rolling out new project at this time? Oh plz.... it's really not fun to do such stuff in Dec.
It's raining like no tomorrow since this afternoon.
Shivering in the office. How I wish I could be lying on bed with a warm blanket around....nice...:)
Woke up at 3am as per planned. It is indeed important to feel good about the race. There's some inner strength that give you the mental and physical strength to push thru the journey. Somehow, I didn't have the "feeling good" as what I have during AHM. And my lower pack is aching when I try to bend forward. Doesn't matter, just go and see how it work out.
Didn't see any familiar faces before the race. I proceed to the toilet as usual and deposit my bag. Off I went to the starting point.
1 - 6km - Was at a comfortable place. Reached 5km in 32mins. Still doing good
6-12km - Exited Marina South at about 10km and towards Esplanade bridge. There were a huge crowded cheering alongside the road which definitely spur up the energy in you. Hmmm..Runspiration DOES HELP :)
12-16km - Checkpoint at 15km at 1:45hr. Which means that I have 45 mins to complete the remaining 6km if I want to meet the 2.30hr. Hmm...normal days no problem. But at this stage, fatigue already set in, the sun is getting hotter. Argh...I'll try my best
16-21km - Leg did felt a bit heavy, muscle a bit tight but not to the extend that I need to stop yet. But I make an attempt to walk a few seconds at each water break. Just happen that I saw a guy with a tube of heatrub and nobody was there. I got some from him and apply on both thigh and calf. First time trying the heat rub. Dunno whether that will help. Nevermind lah. But after a while, did feel some sensation on both legs and give some turbo charge..hehe
The last return leg at Esplanade bridge again, it was hot, I was tired. I pull down my visor and concentrate on each steps forward. I usually don't look in front while running as that would demoralized me to see that I still have a long journey to go. Anyway, that's just me. haha
Entering into City Hall, we were merged with the 10km runners towards the finishing point. Can't really speed up much here as it was pretty jam up after the merging. Tried my best to find some empty spots and increase my speed a little toward finish line.
Time checked....I think it's no more than 2mins improvement from AHM...hahahah... Anyway, given the amount of effort I put in the training, I can't be expecting a good PB. Moreover, something is not right this time. I don't feel good, I don't feel the runner's high, I don't feel positive about the race. Anyway, I'm glad I did it and fulfilled one of my 2007 resolution :)
So what's next? 42.195? Hmmm... I need to build a solid foundation on 21km before deciding. Just like how I can do a 10km without much fatigue now. We shall see......
Oh... JC got his PB of 3:39:4x. Wanted to pace him at Esplanade but there wasn't enough time for me by the time I reach the finish line and make my way there. So better stay put at the finish line to wait for him. Spotted him like 50m away before finishing line. This funny...cry again when he got his PB. Aiyoh!!
Post race group photos with sgrunners
Just finished packing all the stuff for tomorrow.
- Pin bib to tee
- secured championchip to shoe
- put aside stuff that needs tomorrow morning
- pack all other into the deposit bag
Dunno if it's the anxiety. I felt that both my legs are pretty heavy, weak and a bit numb. Aiyah..dun care lah. I just need to sleep early, apply some yoko yoko and it "should" be fine.
Till then........
Do you believe in instinct? Or some called it…six sense? And many would agree that a women’s six sense is more accurate than man?
I would want to agree that it can be true, be it man or women, to some extent maybe not 100% but yes, those instinct can be true.
I was just looking thru Reuben’s blog and today’s article at Both Reuben, the team coach as well as some other dragon boat team mates actually have a bad feeling the day before the incident. And the mom, also had some weird feeling weeks before the incident.
There wasn’t any significant event that I can recall where my instinct is revealing to me how true it could be but those feelings are strong. How about you? If you are really sensing that something is not right, perhaps something is going to happen on this Sunday’s run, would you still be at the starting line? I don’t know either. You won’t know until it happen but then when it happen, it’s gonna be too late. Fellow readers, feel free to drop in your comments to share :)
Ok ok....with less than 2 days to go, I need to get everything prepared and list out to avoid any "forgot this", "forgot that" thingie.
On Sat evening :-
1) secure championchip to the shoe
2) pin bib no. to the tee
3) prepare a disposable bottle of sports drink to sip while on the way to start point
4) pack slippers, t-shirt, towel to bag
5) bring along 1 packet of powergel in case needed
6) set alarm to ring at 3am
On Sun morning:-
1) eat light breakfast
2) do 15mins stretches
3) Tape up blister/abrasion prone aread
Will add more when I can think of more items....
Was at Reuben’s wake yesterday night. It actually surprised me to see how strong the mother is and she was the one who comfort and cheer up the congregation instead. She does look stronger than the dad. But I’m sure, it’s equally painful for all.
Nevertheless, upon hearing all the stories from his mom, knowing how God is in control of everything, although sad but I felt comforted, I felt at peace. It is encouraging to know that the family is still strong in their faith despite this tragic incident.
Together with the pacer team again, we surge towards Marina South following the actual route for this Sun but in reverse order. Everyone was briefed to ensure that they are running according to their marathon pace and not to chiong so fast.
Somehow, I am in good form today. I don’t understand why. I don’t know what’s the secret of being in “good form”. It just came naturally. I have no intention to follow any of the pacer but just go according to my own pace that I will be using this Sunday. I started with small steps but slightly higher cadence at the start, together with Jodan. Slowly, the engine got warm up. Was joined by Cobalt and DO. Cobalt was already sweating profusely just 10mins after we start and I haven’t got a single drop yet. He said this is nothing…later he will have his own swimming pool. Haha.. Not long after, I found myself to be following closely with the 4hr pacer. All the way after the steamboat area. I was running at a pace that is slightly faster than my norm. Don’t ask me what’s the pace. I dunno. As long as I’m comfortable, I don’t care much. About to exit Marina South, I think the 4hr is getting faster as I was pretty sure that my pace was quite consistent. Not too long after that, 4hr pacer is getting slightly further away from me and I’m all on my own…wohooo!!! I found myself in the middle of the 4hr and 4.30 group. Still can hear the conversation from the 4.30 group behind me.
Nevermind lah…Just run and right after the tunnel at the exit I was joined by Cfred (4.30 pacer) and some others at the traffic light. That’s like slightly around 1km to go. Still feeling good and all the way to White House. Overall, it was a good run. I managed to speed up a little than my usual pace and maintain throughout the 10km. Sweat like nobody business…hahaha…I like. Chatted with a few before leaving for the night.
After a good workout, went home and obviously a good shower will be ideal right??? Guess what……… I saw a freaking creature in my room right after I step in and on the lights!! COCKCROACH!!!!!!! Wah piang…Such a big one. Cannot scream, no one at home. What to do?? I got to do the job myself loh. Quickly go grab one magazine, fold it up and……”PIACK!!!” Smack and smack… Smack 1 time that creature was like running interval but a bit injured already. Smack another time. Lie flat…..Not moving….Bye Bye….. Go storeroom, grab the broom and off to the bin…J Job Done. Proceed with normal routine, shower and sleep as if nothing happen…J
It was kind of a weird feeling that I have now. I’m supposed to be feeling excited of the upcoming run this Sunday and getting myself prepared physically and mentally.
Somehow the news that came to all of us on Saturday during worship service changes everything. I wasn’t really digest with the news at that time (that the dragon rower are missing) which is probably why I don’t feel that much affected.
Now that the entire Singapore is talking about it, headlines on papers. The truth is out. Hmmm…..not too sure how should I described. I personally do not know Reuben that well. In fact it was only in early Oct that I get to know him in the concert and chatted with him a couple of times. But that ‘relationship’ alone, is enough for me to ponder about this tragic incident. I am not very much emotionally affected but somehow, I’m just feeling a bit disturbed and it has been wondering in my mind in the last few days. Seeing his family especially his mum on TV, really melted my heart. My sincere condolences to the family. Tomorrow will be going to his wake and will be playing a special music for him with OneHeart ministry. I couldn’t imagine how the atmosphere is going to be and whether we all can control our emotion. But I’m prepared for the worst.
I can feel that everyone is getting excited yet a little anxious and stress out. The month and month of hard training, sacrificing your sleep waking up in the wee hours like 4am doing lsd (Long Slow Distance) is simply ridiculous you would say or crazy or siao. At least for non-runners :) Not forgetting the interval/speed/staircase/hill training that causes both your legs screaming for mercy.
10 more days and you will reap what you sow. Worth it or not, you decide. Some people are so stress by beating their PB, some are just worried if they could ever cross that finishing line and not ended up DNF or DNS. As for me, I’m kind of relax..haha. Obviously I cannot compare with the full distance runner and more over this is my 2nd time doing a half marathon. To the full marathoners, this is really a kacang puteh. Oh well, a half marathon is achievable with a little effort but if you’re talking about achieving PB, then it’s a different story. To me, I just want to relax and enjoy the run. Having a PB is not that important but will be a bonus if I’m able to finish in less than 2:32hr..hehe
Many many month ago, I simply do not understand why people loves running so much. To an extend that if they don’t run, they feel grumpy, they feel uneasy, they feel that something is missing. On the contrary, running gives them a time to reflect, to find peace, to de-stress, to lose weight….and it goes on and on. It is part of their life. Just like you need air every day. In a few month time, it will be my 1st anniversary joining SGrunners. An indication of the time where I officially take up running seriously. Uh…officially as in I do hill training, speed training and all sort of stuff lah rather than just a normal jogger with no target. Probably I’m being influenced by all the siao people in SGrunners. I’ve probably gotten some bugs from them and becoming one of the siao one. Although not to the extend of siao-ness yet, I have started to believe why running can be so addicted. Hard to explain. You really have to try it to experience. I guess the runner’s high that you get at the end of the run, you may not be able to get it from any other form of cardio exercise. Why people still choose and insist on running even though at times it brought them pain and even bleed………. To be continue………
It has been ages since my last entry.
More to come. Stay tune!
I was at the Shape Carnival this afternoon at Marina Square to collect my race pack for this Sunday’s shape run.
Somehow, something really caught my attention. The 2 years subscription of Shape magazine comes with real good freebies. Subscribing for two year entitle me to choose 3 items out of the 9 I think plus 4 free issues. Since I have been reading Shape ever since it’s debut issue for every month in the past 2 years without fail, I thought this is a real good deal.
Here’s what I have chose for the freebies:
- $60 crocs voucher – Can get a nice pair of slippers
- $50 Aibi voucher – Wanted to get a gym ball
- AND THIS!!!! $100 running lab voucher for all running shoes!!!
I have been eyeing on a pair of running shoes in Running Lab for quite some time and this is really a good deal. Yeah..I know there are always a “too good to be true”. But trust me, this is real. I’ve read the condition of the voucher again and again. And yes, I can go Running Lab, show them the voucher, select my shoe and I get a $100 discount! Yay!!!!
Official Results are out!!
BIB no: WN7633
Net Finish: 2:32:00
Gun Finish: 2:32:45
- 2 big abrasion on both my under arms. Have to walk with my arms open wide on Sunday
- 1 small blister on left toe
- muscle ache on both thigh. That's possibly because I totally forgot to stretch at the end point. Too excited maybe.
- $35 on cab fare
- carbo loaded on all sinful food!! (prata, chic rice, nasi briyani)
The D-Day is here. Alarm rang at 3am. Snoozed for 5 minutes and off I jumped off from my bed.
Took 2 slices of bread and a glass of lime endurance drink, did some stretches and off I go.
After placing my bag at the desposit counter, I head off to the start point, on the way bump into Ripley. Being early, I was close to the start point with Ripley. Gun start at 5.30am sharp. Off I go, at a slow pace to warm up. Things look good as I move on to Cross Street, South Bridge Rd, then Maxwell. Tigger ran past me with a "Pace yourself properly hor". I responded with an "Orh...ok". Off he go. I see that the Sheares Bridge is right ahead of me. Quickly change gear to small/fast stride. Next, bump into Joanna. Acknowledge her and we OTOT on our pace again. I must say that after a few attacks on Mount Faber, conquering the Sheares Bridge seems to be much much easier. Not much effort needed :)
Check point at the entrance of ECP after Ford Road. Hmm...Am satisfied with the timing. Doing good, still going strong. Hit the 10km mark at 1:06. Being a first timer in a 21km run, I am pretty conservative, not knowing what is ahead of me. I maintain a steady pace. That stretch of ECP seems to be never ending. It took quite a while to finally cross the U-turn point. Still within the targeted time. I make an attempt to stop at all water point which is 2km apart from each other.
It was smooth sailing all the way till I exit Ford Rd towards Mountbaiten, although engine is slowing down. Check point again, I'm still within the targeted time :) I'm such a slacker, head off to the next water point at 18km mark and slowly and steadily I slack for 1 mins while sipping thru the cool 100 plus. 3km more to go!!! I'm getting excited. I'm not going to change any gear as I'm already feeling satisfied that I can be at 18k mark at this hour. Still trying to slack a few seconds with just 500m ahead of me, will be whack by Tigger if he knows that..haha.. Ah well.... hold on to it, 300.....200...100m to go!!! LOL!!!! Finished at 2.31 (or maybe 2:32). I'm feeling satisfied. Doesn't matter on the timing, I don't expect much as a first timer. Most importantly, I finished in good form with a smile on my face :)
Time checked: 8:02am. Hmm..Not bad not bad... But I must say that the ending point is very squeezy. Still prefer the padang. No choice but to head in to exchange my long awaited medal :). Yee Hwa showed me where the 100 plus water point is. It is full of crowds, sweaty people...Eeewwwwww :( I told Yee Hua that I'm going to wait a while. It's so d*** crowded there and I'm going to collapse with all the body heat. Nice of her..squeeze herself into the crowd and get me a can of cold 100 plus. Thanks Yee Hua!!
Tried to spot for JC among those red safra running vest people. I was just 10m away from him but because it was blocked by a barrier, I have to take a long long way to get to his end. Wave at him a couple of time, he seems to be so engrossed with the rest loh!!! Finally, after some hide and seek among the crowd, we managed to catch up for a short couple of seconds before he went for his photo taking session.
Next check: Be at the Explanade bridge at 8.30am for phototaking session with Sgrunners. By the time I collected the medal, it was 8:20. Slowly make my way to the esplanade bridge. A number of them already gathered there. It was nice to see familiar faces. Lingering around, followed by a group photo.
Overall, it was a nice race. Route is excellent. Water point of sufficient. It's really not as tough as I thought. I'm definitely going for the next one. That's for sure :)
Camera is under repair, cannot flaunt my medal yet...hehe....
Approximately 12 hours to go, I need to think twice or even more to ensure that I have all the gears ready:
- BIB number
- champion chip
- plaster
- jelly bean & energy gel
- $5 in case I need to hop in to 7-eleven at ECP for whatever reason
- 2 pieces of tissue paper
- watch
That will be what I'm going to carry with me tomorrow during the run...
In the next 2-3 hours before going to bed early :
- drink a few more glass of water
- secure the champion chip to the shoe lace
- put up the bib number
Till then....:)
Went into hibernation mode recently....... in blogging I mean.... too much activities going on... For once, my life is full of happening stuff...hahaha......
In 2 more day.........2 MORE DAYS!!!!! 26 Aug 2007. I'm going to venture into new life experience. I'm excited, yet feeling a bit nervous. Left and right brain is always not in sync and I always found myself fighting against the demons inside me. At times I'm full of confidence, at times I'm so demoralized. I need more focus, need more motivation and strength from Above.....
Stay tune. The next update is going to be an interesting one.... I hope :)
Date: 1 Jul 07
Time: 8am Paris Time / 2pm S’pore time
Venue: Café at Charles De Gaulle Airport
Weather: 19C
It was a long 13 hours flight from Sin – Paris. I was in deep trouble when the check-in crew at Changi told me there’s no more aisle seat, no more emergency seat and that the one that was issued to me is a middle seat. Oh no!!!!! How am I going to survive in a middle seat for 13 hours. I need to move and stretch my legs.
While I was boarding the plane, noticed that someone took my middle seat. I asked where’s her seat, she gave me a blank look and show me her boarding pass. It’s just across the other side and it’s an aisle seat!! Without further delay, I agree to let her stay put in my seat and I’ll take her aisle seat…Phew!!!
After the last few flights from SQ, I now realized how good is the service and the quality. No doubt SQ is named as one of the best airline. In comparison to the one that I had today, the seat is as hard as a wooden bench, the food is cold, the quality is bad. The fruit seems to be bit and pieces from those canned cocktail. Urgh…Sucks…:(
I’m glad that I popped in a sleeping pill an hour before the flight, else I’ll be a walking zombie now. Not that I slept very well but I did have a few short nap here and there. If not because of butt pain and leg cramp, I think I can sleep thru all the way. I even missed out the 1st meal that they served, I think that was like 1am?? Can’t be bothered with the food at that hour. Sleep is more important J Finally, woke up at 7.30am and head towards the self service area to get water and juice AND a cup noodles….Hmm..Yummy… Snooze again for another 2 hours before they serve breakfast. Food…cannot make it at all….
1.5 hours more to go before I board another 3 hours flight to St.Petersburg. I shall try to get more zzzz again if possible :)
More update to come…..
So, what’s up in 8 weeks time…… 26 Aug 5.30am – The Singapore Bay Run and Army Half Marathon. Yes….. I am….I will be taking part in this year AHM – 21km. Now that I’m looking at the race route,it is indeed long long journey leh….. siao liao lah….. getting nervous. 8 more weeks for preparation, what would be the outcome, it will really be dependant on my discipline…..:) we’ll see…. I will "Jia You"!!!!
Here’s a preview of the route.

My tribute to Dmitry Golub, Software Analyst, Quest Software St.Petersburg.
In early May, I received an out of office reply from Dmitry stating that he will be on medical leave for 3 weeks. I have not heard from him since then and was wondering if he has already back to work.
This morning I received an email from a colleague in Canada. The email definitely caught my attention and it kind of affecting me the entire day. Part of the email content:
He was one of us – building labs, troubleshooting issues, working late nights and weekends, always ready to help.
Dmitry passed away in a hospital last month.
He went for an operation and died of kidney failure as what I was told. Dmitry has been really helpful to me throughout my stay in this company. Working with me at 2am his time, ensuring that I get all the help as much as I need. Maybe I’m kind of soppy, I was browsing thru all the past emails that he sent to me…. I felt worse….haiz….. Funny that we’ve never met, yet I was impacted by this incident. I was scheduled for a business trip to St.Petersburg end of this month and was hoping to see him face to face. And deep down in my heart, I would really want to meet him personally to thank him with all the help given. This will not happen…….. That’s my regret.

Not a race at all but a run to promote world harmony across all religions and race. The run started from Bukit Gombak and end at The Merlion, a total of 22km, which a few stops at 2 mosque, 1 temple and 1 Sikh Temple.
This is the first time that I'm running this long (with stops of course) and at such odd hours. Mind you...running at 12pm is no joke. Super hot!!! But then the pace is just nice, not too fast, just nice for long distance. I'm happy to be part of it......
I’m getting so sick of all this anonymous call from banks, timeshare, insurance..etc offering me this and that at no obligation.
I just had one minutes from an insurance company :-
Lady: Hi, Can I speak to ……
Me: Yes, speaking
Lady: I’m calling from xxx insurance company…… Would you like to earn $10,000 selling insurance?
Me: No thank you. (***I’m earning more than that now***.Haha…I do wanted to give this statement if she keep pestering me. But well…she didn’t)
Lady: Ok. Thanks.
Haha…I’m bad….Sometime I like to make fun out of this ppl. Something like….”I have more than enough cash in hand, why are you forcing me to take up your loan??”
Haiyah…so easy can earn 10k per month meh…. Then everybody will be in that line liao loh…
It has been close to 2 weeks with not much physical activities due to my recent business trip, followed by Dad and mum in town. I can feel that I'm starting to feel lethargic again. I need to get my butt up and start working out.
After 1.5 weeks, I finally put on my running shoe again and went for a short 45mins warmout around PR neighbourhood. It's a total failure. No stamina, no endurance, no strength. Feeling a bit disappointed, I make another attempt again on Monday. This time on a threadmill with some speed as well as hill run. Not too bad....getting back in form.
Tuesday - the usual CBD run but this time round, tigger decided to add some spice into it. We will be conquering up to Mt.Faber thru Kg.Bahru Road. I've been hearing a lot a lot abt this route. How tough, how hilly, how it 'kills' runners. I wanted to give it a try. I wanted to experience how tough it really is. We started off a pretty easy one from Tanjong pagar. The chiongster is all way ahead after the 1st km. I was somewhere in the middle with a couple more behind. Soon...the chiongster is no where within my sight. I looked at my back... there's no one behind either...Oops!!! Siao liao...did I go the wrong way?? I slowed down, looking around and I think I spotted one of them like 200m ahead of me. Off I go until I reached the foot of MF. Approx 3km from starting point.
The faster one have already started to chiong up the hill when I reach the foot. Tigger waited for me and soon was joined by Jodan. I started to conquer the hill, warned by tigger to look out for a 4m height barrier which is where the killer is. He chiong his way and I slow down my pace to prepare for that 'slope'. Jodan ask me to go ahead as he is slowing down his pace too. It was still alright for the 1km..the slope is pretty mild until I spotted the 4m barrier. Wah seh...... I can clearly see what is ahead of me. Start to change my strategy, small stride and medium pace. Soon...I reach this slope which looks like a 45 degree to me. It's killing my calves. I have to walk.... Buay tahan... I rotate between jogging and walking all the way up until the slope is over!!! Yea.... I'm happy that I get to experience the toughness of running that slope.... Reached the Jewel box, waited for Jodan and off we go on the same way back to TP. Approx 9.5km. Good one :)
Now that I know how bad that slope is, "someone" actually did 6 loops on that same route, 10km per loop, totalling to 60km in his Safra Ultramarathon challenge last Sunday. Under hot sun some more!!! Wah piang.... I'll either faint or attack by heat stroke. I now gave him a new nick - "Super Extreme Ultra Marathon man".
Boss was away for the last one week and will only be back by end of this week. I'm getting a bit sick tired mentally having to deal with part of her work in addition to mine. Can't wait to take at least a day break when she's back. To think about my business trip to Japan next week makes me even sicker!!! I'm starting to have a bad impression on Japanese culture. Well in a way, as what we always see, they are very well mannered, clean...etc. But when come to the corporate world and when you really have a colleague who is a's totally different!!! Trust me....untill you experienced never know. Don't talk about the fun time exploring tokyo after work. It will be good enough if I don't get high blood pressure over there.
Wish me luck........
I was supposed to be on my way back from gym at this hour. But I'm happily enjoying a bowl of ABC soup,in the comfort of my room, blogging.
That is because, something terrible happen while I'm at the gym hours ago. Initial plan was to do some speed training on the treadmill. I did a warm up jog for 5 minutes and slow down, eventually stopped to tighten up my jogging pants. In that split of seconds, I had the worst ever feelings and it is just terrible.
I suddenly run out of breath, my vision is blur, my shoulder is aching, I felt like throwing out, my heart beat is increasing. I felt like I'm going to black out very soon. It was indeed a scary feeling I tell you. And it lasted pretty long. I was still standing on the threadmill trying to control my breathing but it's getting worst and worst. I was praying deep inside that I will not black out and collapse. The way that I perspire after just a 5 minutes warm up, it's really NOT me. It usually took me at least 15 mins to start persipring. Something is terribly wrong. I slowed down and stepped down from the treadmill, still trying to control my breathing and slowly walking towards the water cooler, still perspiring. My vision is still blur, I am seriously worried that I'll collapse. Continue praying..........
It lasted for 5-10 mins and the heart beat slowly resume back to normal. And for the next 10 mins, I was wondering what went wrong. Did I run too fast and stop immediately? Not at all, this is the not the first time I'm doing it. Did I ate too much? Not at all. I have no idea what causes that. Anyway, it was a bad experience. I do not want to push myself as I still have a little bit of nausea. I decided to take a shower and call it a day. It doesn't really matter to skip the workout for a day. It's more important to listen to the body...
So, in a way, I'm thankful that I can sit here, blogging this unique experience that I had and not ended up in hospital.......
I shall sleep well and rest well tonight.....Zzzzzzzzzz
Just when I was blogging about work satisfaction few days ago, I came across this article in with a header - Dead after 8 hours on laptop.
Looking at the title, I'm pretty sure that this lady is dead due to overworked. Sure enough, it is. It was such a pity and there are indeed people out there, working day and night to climb the corporate ladder, only to realized that they have neglected their family, their health when it's too late.
Like what I told my sis the other day, enough to eat, enough to use and possibly enough to go holiday can already loh... Money is important but it's not everything. So, don't spent too much time trying to earn as much as you want, cuz it's never enough and you will probably end up being a slave to money. What's the point of earning so much, yet you loose something that is much valuable, something that money could not buy.
Are you?
Hmm....The conclusion.....I shall be contented and look no further for the time being......
For the past 2 days, it has been a shiok morning as it started to rain at 3am and lasted till around 7am. Shiok for those who is in bed. Definitely not for those ready to go to work and because of that, we actually had to cancel our monthly east side run on Sunday....:(
Haiz.... I went back to bed on Sunday morning after my alarm rang at 6am. Woke up at 8am and it was still drizzling!!! Win already loh...cannot go run.... By the late afternoon, the king & queen is here.'s my dad and mum. So I can't go for evening run also loh. Dad and mum is here for this week to help me put on weight...haha.... I probably have to workout harder for I surely have a sumptious dinner this few nights. Dad called this morning and already let me know what's the menu for tonight :-
- bitter gourd with chic
- home made sharkfin soup with mince chic. It's vegetarian shark fin lah but it's as good as real one loh.
But before that, I got to go burn the extra cal before I head home....:)
This was indeed a truly inspirational movie clip. Probably it’s even more appealing to me as I’m working towards a similar goal. I am not mentally prepared to take up a marathon at this point of time but I truly understand the emotional struggle that one have to go thru throughout the 42km that will probably last for at least 5 hours as a non elite. Because……this is exactly how I felt on every of my long distance run. You are tested on your endurance of pain, cramps, emotional struggle……. But.. the after effect of will have to try it yourself. It's simply 'high'..
One of the comments from the clip: “When you complete the marathon, there is nothing in life that you can’t try to do after that”.
I would probably want to agree to that to a certain extent. You will definitely be a stronger person, not only physically but mentally. I can never believe that I can run a 10km 2 years back. On my first attempt to do a 10km run in 2005, you can never imagine the excitement and sense of achievement I had upon crossing the finishing line.
“When you cross the finishing line, no matter how fast or how slow, it will change your life forever”..... I'm yet to find out myself….. I may not even have the guts to make the decision...:)
I always try to associate running a marathon & giving birth. Every woman who has been thru labour before will surely comment that it’s the most painful experience they have ever had.
Some similarities that I’ve been thinking about:
The 10 months of pregnancy is something that you may not enjoy (water retention, backache, lethargy…)
The training period prior to the marathon (strict diet, intense training schedule, abrasion, blister, black toe nail)
While in labour, the pain is beyond description. You swear that you do not want to go thru this again.
The pain and struggle you went thru in the 42km run. Cramps, stitches, emotionally and physically worn out. You question yourself why are you going thru this.
When you finally see your baby and holding close to you, you felt that you’re the most blessed person on earth. Month later, you’ll probably consider to have another baby :)
When you cross the finishing line, you felt that you are the WINNER, overcoming all fear and struggle. There’s no other thing that can stop you. You will want to do it AGAIN!!!
THIS IS SO TIME CONSUMING!!!! I gave up....for the day.....Wait till I'm free and feeling bo liao...I'll beautify the blog ok......
Siao Liao....happily hand itchi go change this got to dig inside the code where to place back my shoutbox and hit counter :( ke kiang lah!!
I'm getting a little bored with my blogs. Not much pictures, theme is boring.
I'm lazy...Anyone want to volunteer to help me revamp? meal from me :) Or at least...point me to some site that can help me do it with a few clicks lah. I search also lazy....:(
In my past experience, when our bosses are not around be it on leave, on mc, all of us will be utterly happy. The whole department will be a “boh jing hu” department. Things are never the same again ever since I join my current company. I have a strong bonding with my boss. She is the best among all the bosses that I’ve had before. As she is currently away for 2 weeks, ‘semi’ officially, I became the “tang jia” of the department.
It was a little stressful but I guess I’m doing well. How are you able to respond to certain situation in a professional manner, ensuring that you are not offending anyone and is not giving an impression that you are running away from responsibilities and at the end of it, you gain respect from ppl….Hmm…..that needs quite a fair bit of experience as you go along…. Cannot learn in school loh….
Last year, I had an agreement with Calvin Chin that if I were to go for a half marathon at this year end SCSM 07, he must go for a full marathon. I guess he must have never thought that I will go for it..hahahah…. On Sat night, I received a sms from him asking if I wanna to join him to run at east coast. Well…I was considering quite a while with the fact that it’s in the evening and it’s at east coast which I’m not so in favour of. Also, he is going with his girlfriend who have just started to run (maybe it’s because of him :)) and could not run far/fast. And they both need some motivation to run long distance. After a bit of hesitation I agreed to meet up with him, requested that he pick me up from Bedok.
Looking at his gf, my first reaction was…..this is a typical Calvin Chin type of gal…J If I were to see this gal by the road side, I do think that CC would like this kinda gal…99.9%. Anyway, STOP commenting abt ppl’s gf. And so we started off our run somewhere near MacDonald toward the seafood restaurant, which is merely 1.5km. U-turn back and head all the way up to Fort Road. I have no idea how far, maybe just less than 5km one way. I dunno what happen but my performance sucks on the day. I was pacing CC for the first 3km and he soon departed further from me and chiong his way to the front while I slow down to do some stretches and enjoying the breeze along the jetty before I start to run again. I just dun have the ‘feel’ of running that day. Nevertheless, I continue to do a slow one towards Fort Road and bump into CC when he is on his way back from Fort Road which according to him it’s about 200m away.
I decided to u-turn and follow him back. He looks tired but continue to move on while I continue my slow pace back. Got stopped by a siau mei mei standing right in front of me with her arms open wide to stop me asking me to take a group pics for them. I was like……&E*#^e*#^e#r^(*!!!!!! Cannot see I running izit?!?!?!? Break my momentum only!! And so…I walk towards that group of siau mei mei, unwillingly snap a few pics, return them the camera and run my way back. I heard a few ‘thank u’ here and there but ANGRY….dun want to say “welcome” leh!!! Give them a black face..hahaha….. The fact that there are sooooo many ppl strolling along the path….of all people out there, why approach someone who is running!!! AIYOH….siau mei mei…..haiz……
We ended at McDonald again. Checked my time, it’s merely a 50 mins run. Given the pace that I run, I doubt we hit 8km…probably less. Hmm…..not a good and enjoyable run for me. CC looks very tired. He hasn’t been running that far. I’m feeling alright cuz I did not put in much effort throughout J Hmmm…sometimes running also must depends on mood…cannot means cannot. Just hope that I won’t have this kinda ‘mood’ on any upcoming raceJ
I am demoralized on Tuesday when I happily changed my work attire to my running attire, head up straight to Tanjong Pagar to meet the running kakis for our usual Tues CBD run. Having high hope that the drizzle will stop at 7pm by the time we start our run. Who knows…’s getting heavier and heavier as I reach TP. It was still bearable, still can run when I met up with the kaki and hide underneath a shelter. But by 7pm, it started to pour….don’t talk abt run. Walk out also a bit difficult. Our spirit drops…..wanted to give it another 5-10mins before we decide to call it a day. Haiz….we gave up by 7.10pm and head off to Marina Square for makan. Not happy loh L
Feeling real dissatisfied, Michiy asked if I’m free on Wed. I say yes. And the question pops up, “Wanna run?” **Wink wink***…eyes open wide…Of course!!! Cut the story short. To replace the CDB run, we met again on Wed at Suntec and start our run towards Marina South.
Suntec -> Sheares Bridge -> Sundial -> Steamboat area -> Jetty -> Tanjong Pagar (DBS building) -> Esplanade -> Suntec.
While Michiy is nursing a mild flu, she took her time for a slow one while I was slightly infront of her, trying to chiong a bit and to improve my speed. Not forgeting to check out from time to time to make sure that she's alright. It was a real satisfying run:
1st, there’s only 2 of us of similar speed. There is no speed monster in front forcing me to chase after them and ended up panting like nobody business and ponchet half way.
2nd, nice weather after a slight rain.
3rd, for whatever reason, I am so into the spirit of running on that day. Dunno why.
No ache, did not run out of breath, in good form, we completed an approx 11-12km in 80 mins. Not a fantastic timing…but ultimately…I feel good!! Woohoo!!!
I have been earnestly looking at other ppl's blog every day without fail, not realizing that I haven't been updating mine for quite some time :P
The past 3 weeks at least have been a real busy week for me. At work of course. Where else can I get so busy... It's always the trend. When u get busy, suddenly everything seems to be coming together. When u start to slow down a bit, you literally have nothing to do throughout the day.
Being a public holiday today, went up to the pool at Suntec for a swim. Wuahaha!!!! shiok ah..I had the entire pool all by myself throughout the 45 mins. The sun is blazing right on me which is what I wanted. I like to swim in hot hot weather :P Being very new to swimming (since there's no one in the pool), I tried something silly. So that I am the only one who can laugh at myself...muahahahaha....!!! I tried to swim free style. Yeah..u knew it. All I know is just the froggie style and I still haven't master it. Now, trying to be a little ambitious, I'm trying free style :) Since nobody around, I can just twist and turn whichever way. My last few attempts in the past doesn't seem to give me any results. 1st, there are ppl in the pool. I pai seh lah. Secondly, water seems to get in to the nose right after the 1st stroke.
Anyway, cut the story short. After a few try, I managed to swim just 1 lap in free style without stopping. Quad super tied!! Don't talk about posture, stroke whatever lah..I know, I can feel that it's pretty awful. My body is crooked while doing the stroke..hehe...need more practice. But it's a good start :)
I have been eating too much!!! I better behave myself and self discipline!!!! Our VP is here this week from our HQ office and offered us lunch-in treat. Me being an initiator as usual (call myself being kepo lah) I asked boss if she would like me to help order food. Guess she is more than happy that I offer the help. It was a treat from my VP but boss passed me $40 and requested that I paid the balance. She will then pay be back. So with 4 extra-large Canadian pizza, 20 chicken wings, 50 sushis, I forked out another $100 on my own pocket money and still haven’t got reimburse today….**sob**sob**…I hope she wont’ forget me :( $100 I can buy a lot a lot of meals leh....
With only 10 pax to feed, you would have imagined how much leftover we had. Having 2 large pizza, 2 chic wing and some sushi is really too much for my lunch loh!!! As I was really looking forward for CBD run in the evening, lo and behold…………it started to rain!!! The cloud was dark by 5:45pm…Slight drizzle at Suntec. I sms WC if it’s raining in TP. He replied the cloud was dark!!! I stood in the middle of the road for 5 mins deciding if I should take the risk to head down to TP for CBD run (in case no rain leh) or should I head back up to Suntec gym to work off those pizza from my waistline. As I was contemplating, rain drops gets heavier. That’s a sign…… I head back to Suntec and join the combat class for an hour, punch and kick as hard as I could, followed by a 10 mins run.
Still….I felt that my stomach is a bit bloated till today….Urgh….I hate the feeling of bloating…
Old-SMU -> Evans Road -> Bukit Timah Road (towards clementi) -> Clementi Road (Turn at King Albert Park) -> Ulu Pandan Road (Turn at the Army Dogs Unit) -> 6th Avenue (slopes!!!)-> Bukit Timah Road (towards SMU -> Old-SMU.

It was approximately 14.5km.
Being the first timer for BG run, I doesn’t want to missed my way, so I set of early, leaving home at 5:50am. NOTE: it’s 5.50am on a SUNDAY!!! I couldn’t believe that I’m doing this!!! Used to think that it’s such a silly thing to do but somehow, I wanna to do it this time. I want to get my butt off and start moving to burn off the excess I have from the previous day. And I believe that it is so much easier to run in a group rather than doing it on your own. So, here I come.
Being the 1st to reach old SMU track, I bump into Tiwazz at the main gate. Shortly after, Charlotte arrived. We set off at 7:10am. Right after turning into Clementi Road towards Ulu Pandan (that’s abt 5.5km), the fun started. It was slopes all over again and again. I think there’s at least 5 slopes in all. Being pretty weak at slopes, I was trying all sort of running position and technique to ‘evaluate’ which one helps me to perform the best. Well….I’m still figuring out. I think I found one but I still need to give a couple of try again :) Took a break at Jelita Cold Storage to get some drinks and off we set to 6th Avenue (10km)….slopes again.
As I was reaching the junction turning back to bukit timah road, my legs are getting heavier, my calves are tight but I insist to do a slow jog and not letting myself to walk. It was pretty draggy though as the sun is shining hot by that time. Finally, a good close to 2 hr run……I saw old-smu entrance. I’m glad I completed the run without any abrasion or discomfort, other than a pair of tired legs.
We headed off to brunch at Botanic Garden food court AND…… after all the sweat and hard work burning off the excess, I pump in a whole lot of carbo and sinful food!!!! (giving excuses to reward myself after the hardwork) I ate 2 prata!!! One of the most sinful, fattening and unhealthy food!!!!! Soon after, Sotong gave me a ride to Aljunied and off home to Zzzzz again….Such a pig!!! But got to replace my beauty sleep in the morning mah…:P
Hmm....This week wasn't as active as I would like to be. The week seems to zooommmm past pretty quickly though...
Mon: Relax day
Tues: CBD run 6km
Wed: No run. Dinner with Darren, JC, WC and Derek
Thurs: Weight training (30mins), Run 5km, cross train 15mins
Fri: Slack
Sat: Church
Sun: Run 8km
When it’s Tuesday, it means CBD run. WC joined me for the 2nd time. I had initially told him that I will follow the rest to do the longer route (the steamboat route). If he’s comfortable, he can tag along, else he can do the normal 6km Jetty route.
WC asked me to go ahead as soon as we hit the junction towards Marina South. I ran according to my normal speed with a group in front and a couple of them behind me. I took a peek a couple of times at my back to ensure that WC is still within sight and that there’s someone with him. As we reached towards the Jetty which is about 3km, everybody seems to have overtook WC. But he is running pretty comfortably on his own pace – OTOT no stress. Unlike the 1st time he joined me following my pace, he was panting pretty hard and couldn’t last as long as this time round.
I turned around before hitting the U-turn point and directed WC to join me. We ran together for a while. I was still going strong and continue my pace to catch up with Angie who is about 50m in front of me. As much as everyone of us need, I gave Angie a "Jia You" as I approach closer to her. As we reach the junction towards the 9.5km route, I gave a signal to WC if he wants to go for it or the other way back to our starting point. He pointed his finger towards the front direction. That will be the usual 6km route back to TP. With not much ppl left at the back and mostly have make their turn to the 9.5 route, I decided to go back with WC and Tiwazz who had some injuries during last SCSM. So it’s slow and easy for him too.
So, we were the first three to get back to the starting point since the rest are going to the steamboat route. Nevertheless, it’s a recovery run for me after Sunday’s CV route. WC stamina seems to be improved a little, being able to run throughout the 6km at a slow and steady pace.
Mon: Still in KL, but did a 30min swim
Tues: Slack at home
Wed: Reach S'pore, tried to run but no stamina, no energy with all the goodies. Did only 2km
Thurs: Run 8km (gym)
Fri: Cycle Spin 30mins, Run 1.5km
Sun: Run 15km
While JC is going to have his marathon this coming Sun in HK, this week will be a relaxing week for him. No intense training. We decided to go for a relaxing run (for him, definitely not for me) in the morning. We set off at 7am, after a short warmup and stretches.
Time: 7am
Route: Pasir Ris Blk 511 - Loyang Ave - Changi Village and back
Estimate mileage: approx 15km
Having to run with JC for the first time, he asked me to start off first since he is following my pace (that's obvious). I can die following his 4-5min/km pace. He started to pace with me shortly after I take off. I was panting pretty hard the 1st 5 mins. Dun understand why (Uh..maybe I'm stressed to run with him. haha). After 10-15min, my breathing was back to normal. I just need more time to warm up. Off we went on a 6.5-7km pace.
Our initial plan was to run to Changi Village, take a short break, I will take a bus home while JC will continue to run back. We didn't know the exact mileage from PR to CV so our guess is 10km one way. I can't possibly follow him to do a 20km for 2 way.
Once we hit the junction of Loyang Ave, off we went for the slope going towards the Loyang industrial area. JC is asking if I can take the slope. It was a short one and it was like 20mins after we start. I still have plenty of energy. So chiong ah!!! After chionging the slope, it was pretty comfortable going thru the industrial area and flat terrain, weather is cooling. Until we reach the Air Base or something like that there are a few small slope here and there. I told JC I hate all this long small slope. I would rather have a higher slope and choing all the way. He say, dun worry too much of these slopes . Without you knowing, you already run over it. And true enough..... I was looking down instead of looking ahead. In a short while, JC ask me to look behind, the slope is now behind about mind game :)
I started to see sign board, towards "Changi Village". Yay!! I'm excited. Slowly and steadily, maybe another 1km upon seeing the signboard, we make a left turn towards CV where the famous nasi lemak is. That is approx 45-50mins. It's definitely less than 10km. Probably about 8km. JC went for toilet break while I did some stretching. We went towards 7-eleven for 5 min water break. JC asked if I'm ok to run back, else he will go on his pace while I wait for the bus. I was still feeling pretty ok at that time, so I decided to run back, with the intention to stop half way and let him chiong his speed back.
Run and run and run until I hit 1 hr 20 mins or so, my feet started to feel weak but my breathing is still ok. JC say to let him know when I'm not ok. I asked, how do I know if I'm ok or not. He said, when everything is not right. You want to vomit, you feel giddy...then that is not ok. Being tired IS OK!! it's now all on my mental power. We are back to the industrial area, coming to a final slope before we reach the junction to PR, a slope that everybody claims to be a killer. I decided that I will run back and not to take a bus. Let's see how far I can go. I'm weak, my leg has not much strengh left, what's more having to climb a slope. I did it very very slowly, struggling a little. But I did it! Once I hit the top of the slope, it all downslope now towards PR - Downtown east direction.
By this time, my sole is giving me some discomfort and my thigh is a little stiff. I slow down my pace so much so that I wanted to stop. I think a brisk walker is faster than me at this time. No More Energy! I told JC I want to stop. He said, do it slowly until the traffic light. Slowly and slowly, I see Downtown east infront. I said I will stop there. OK! the time now is 8:40am. We have covered approx 15km by the time we reach Downtown East. Yay!! My PB (personal best).
With about 500m more to go, we did a walk, jog and chiong back to blk 511.
Feeling satisfied with myself, walk back to the void deck, did a cool down, home, shower, off to breakfast, sleep, wakeup, start to blog :)
All I could say is, my trip back to KL for CNY is all about eating and sleeping. Uh... I didn't really eat THAT much but I'm munching on CNY goodies like every hour!! URGH!! Sleep...... is the ultimate one. On average, I think I slept about 13 hours guah..including my afternoon nap..hehehe....
I'm not sure if this is a good sign or not, but the moment I went home, I felt like coming back.. I'm counting down every single days how many more days before I get to come back to Singapore. I dunno why. Probably 1st, I have nothing to do at home. Yeah..everybody tend to say shopping loh. But really, I don't find stuff in KL cheap anymore. Simple thing can easily give you a 3 digit figure. 2nd, maybe I'm just not used to the environment there anymore. 3rd, ppl on my age group in church are all new faces, maybe just a couple left. But distance and time draws away the relationship, don't u agree?
Anyway, it's good to see my family and relative again. When my nephew called me from Australia, he wishes me "Happy New Year", "Gong xi gong xi" (I doubt he understand what's the meaning :) ) and asking me to give him ang pao next year. I could hear from the background voice that my sis is teaching him that :P
I was trying hard to recall hard what's happen in the month of Jan. Perhaps, the most significant steps that I've made in Jan is officially joining a running group. Hmm...officially.... sounds very serious woh!! Nah.... since I'm working in Suntec, I'm joining them every Tuesday to do a CBD run around Marina South area, ranging from 6-10km. Weekend run...depends on mood loh..
It was real weird the first them joining them running in a CBD area. We started off at 7pm at Tanjong Pagar MRT -> Maxwell Road -> Marina South - Jetty and back giving me a good start of approx 6km. You could have imagine that there are tonnes of ppl around TP at that time. I felt weird to be dressed up in running gear in that area. But well.... I'm used to it by now. Who cares :P
Yesterday evening, I received 2 suprised sms in a row.
1st Message
Bizi, I want a barbie toy, not stationary. If too expensive, then nvmd.
This is my hp no........Mei Mei
Within a split of second, I received the next
2nd Message
Bizi, I want bionicle Piraka or Toa Inika. This is my hp no.....Boy
This two messages are from my niece and nephew, age 11 and 12. You got my point?! They both had a hp at this age!!!! I'm like "WHAT??" you got a hp? Mummy (who is my sis) bought for you?
Ah well..they are using their dad's old phone and my sis is getting them a prepaid card. I'm just thinking.... what gadget I had at that age. Hmm....five stones? Monopoly? Mayyybeeeee I had those gigantic cassette tape walkman.... :)
I was on a phone conversation with a consultant from Beijing last week. Yes, he is from China and you could have imagine his chinese speaking is "chimology"! I spoke to him in chinese obviously with a mixture of english and requested him to send me some screenshots. This is what I get...... one of the screenshot from an Exchange server properties. IT illiterate people, Exchange server is an application that host all your corporate emails. This is where you configure it to have your email as blah blah blah...
How am I supposed to read this screen leh... Nevermind, all I need to know is which check box is ticked and compare it to mine which is in english...hehehe This is just the beginning, I seriously hope that I do not need to deal with Microsoft product in chinese :(