on Wednesday, April 07, 2010

While leaving this blog untouch and getting rusty, I should probably start making some effort to keep it alive.... with some new random thoughts and while I'm available to spent time on blogging...haha :)

It still amazed me without fail, how much Facebook can offer to us. To a certain extent, I find it rather scary.... For people whom I've not met for many many many years...maybe at least 15 years or more? Just today, I suddenly saw their faces in FB and I don't think I would have known this person until I saw their name and their 'friends' in FB. Where's that handsome and young xxx that I knew when I was in secondary school? How come they've put on so much weight? How come they are having lesser hair? Reality sunk in when I too realized..that we (me) are all getting..... 'matured' each day...hahaha.....

And before you knew it.....a quarter of 2010 is gone...... :)